Get Out of Debt with Solution-Focused Finances

Before I left my job as a psychotherapist, solution-focused therapy was my favorite way to help clients discover their strengths and work toward what they usually described as “being happier.” The same basic steps used in solution-focused therapy can also … Continue reading

Pinterest: Harmless Fun or Enabler?

I’m pretty sure the entire world is using Pinterest. In case you haven’t heard of it, it’s like a giant virtual corkboard where you can “pin” the things you find online - cat pictures, inspirational quotes, DIY projects, recipes, and … Continue reading

5 Things Wealthy People Never Say

Do you dream of being wealthy someday? Imagine a world where you don’t have to worry about paying the bills, saving for retirement, or providing for your family because you know everything is in order. A world where you are … Continue reading

Hate Your Bank? It Could Be Your Fault

My 21 year-old cousin signed up for the National Guard recently. He leaves for basic training in a few weeks, where I’m guessing he’ll be tortured with physical activity, then emerge a “real man” by the time he graduates in June. … Continue reading