Is Altruism a Bad Thing?

I was talking to a friend the other night, and she said something that kind of shocked me. We were discussing a mutual friend whose debit card (and, subsequently, entire paycheck) was stolen, and I said, “I’m so tempted to … Continue reading

Financial Lessons Don’t Always Come From a Book

This is a guest post from my friend and fellow blogger, Suzanne Cramer. Please make her feel welcome! The debate about whether or not personal finance should be taught in schools has been waging for years. Parents feel these are … Continue reading

How to Stop Buying on Impulse

Not too long ago, I was the queen of impulse shopping. I could go into a convenience store for a drink and come out with two bags of junk. A trip to Target for a shirt often turned into a … Continue reading

Not Your Mama’s SMART Goals

If you’ve spent any time at all reading about finance, especially in the past week or so, you know what SMART goals are. They are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. In other words, goals that meet those criteria are … Continue reading