What My Son Taught Me About Life

Last Monday, my son wrote a post about what I’ve taught him regarding finances and his future. It’s hard to express how proud it made me to see him come up with such a mature, articulate view of how to … Continue reading

I Think I’ve Met My Financial Twin!

Last week I came across a personal finance blog I’d never seen before. (I know; it shocked me too, considering how much time I spend reading blogs.) And as I clicked through nearly a year of posts, I started realizing, … Continue reading

Newsflash: Some Americans Don’t Live in Cities

  You guys know I’ve been dealing with a lot lately. I’ve received some great emails, comments, and tweets and I’m immensely grateful for the support I have online (since I don’t share a lot of this information in real … Continue reading

Dear 18 Year-Old Me

I got this idea from a post on Live Richly. How crazy fun would it be if I could actually send this letter back through time and warn myself of what’s coming? Honestly, my 18 year-old self would probably think … Continue reading