Category Archives: guest post

Financial Advice from a Bill Collector

This is a guest post from Rachel, a reader with experience as a collections agent. She graciously agreed to post some tips for dealing with your creditors when you’re having trouble paying your bills. Please treat her with kindness and … Continue reading

Posted in collections, confessions, credit, debt, guest post, saving | 10 Comments

Financial Freedom is Important. Keeping Up with the Joneses is Not.

This is a guest post from Jana at Daily Money Shot. Much like me, Jana is working her way out of debt, except she only has about two years left to be debt free! Visit her site and check out … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, debt, goals, guest post, spending | 9 Comments

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy: 3 Critical Steps

The following is a sponsored guest post by M. Sean Cydrus, an Ohio attorney specializing in bankruptcy. Wading back into the murky world of debt can be nerve-wracking if you’ve just gone through bankruptcy. But if you have financial goals, … Continue reading

Posted in bankruptcy, credit, debt, guest post | 4 Comments

Guest Post: Financial Do-Over

This is a guest post from Marissa at Thirty-Six Months for the 10th Yakezie Blog Swap. This week’s topic is, “If you had one financial do-over, what would it be and why?” Be sure to check out my guest post … Continue reading

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