Why I Love My Roth IRA

This post is part of the Roth IRA Account Movement happening all across the personal finance blogosphere today. Never fear - the post is still written by me and it’s not an advertisement or anything. Just a well-timed post that … Continue reading

Screw You, ADT! I’m Out!

This is a guest post from my friend YFS, owner and author of Your Finances Simplified. He was born and raised in West Philadelphia and is now a financial adviser, IT contractor, landlord, and treasurer of a non-profit. He created his blog … Continue reading

Hate Your Bank? It Could Be Your Fault

My 21 year-old cousin signed up for the National Guard recently. He leaves for basic training in a few weeks, where I’m guessing he’ll be tortured with physical activity, then emerge a “real man” by the time he graduates in June. … Continue reading