Weekend Reading: Blogger ADHD Edition

It’s been just over a week since my new site, Curiosity Killed the Blog, launched. First, let me say how much I appreciate all of you who have visited so far and provided feedback. It means a lot!

Second, I just need to share how utterly exhausted I am from keeping up with both of my online homes! I have no plans to neglect you guys - my posting schedule here will remain the same - but I need to help poor, lonely CKTB as well. I have been completely scattered for the past week; I can’t decide where my time is better spent or how to prioritize the added responsibilities.

I also feel like I’ve neglected my blogger friends. I read through hundreds of posts each week, then I usually star some of them in my reader so I can go back later to comment. Imagine my horror yesterday when I realized I still had starred posts from February!

While I spend today resting and getting ready for tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead (I’ve read spoilers, and all I can say is that you better not miss it if you’re a fan!), check out some of these awesome posts that haven’t received the attention I wanted to give them:

Yakezie Spring Team

Retire by 40 - No one ever gets rich by being frugal

Black Freelancer - 5 Reasons You Don’t Want to be a Freelancer

Cult of Money - A System of Ritual Practices for Money

Your Finances Simplified - Who Drank My Juice? A Personal Finance Story

My Broken Coin - Healthcare: Two Sides of One Story

Cents to Save - Financial Flaws Friday

New Blogs You Need to Check Out

Step Away from the Mall - Are you stronger because of the “Great Recession”?

Broke Elizabeth - The Cost of Losing Weight (this is the first part in an awesome series)

My So-Called Financial Life - My Household Chore Compensation Plan

Don’t Debt - Taboo Tuesday: Student Loans

Balancing Money and Life - Compulsive Shopping - Curbing the Urge to Overspend

Debt and Taxes - Thanks Pops

BFFs and Tweeps

The FrugalPreneur - Weekly Kick in the Tush: Motivational Truths

Serendipity’s Guide to Saving - Relationships & Money: A Case for Maintaining Separate Accounts

When Life Gives You Lemons - Financial Protection: Pretending You’re Broke

Daily Money Shot - Confession: I Don’t Understand Investing

Money Mamba - Getting Back in Shape

Money After Graduation - How to Spend Your Money After Graduation

Thrifty and Fit - I’m Stuck

Minting Nickels - Saving Only Hurts if You Let It

  • http://add-vodka.com/ Daisy

    Thanks for the link love, friend! I admire your ability to keep up with two blogs!

  • http://www.balancingmoneyandlife.com/ Kris @ BalancingMoneyandLife

    Thanks for the shout out! I have two blogs myself, and just writing 11 posts a week is time consuming; keeping up with reading, commenting, and trying to improve my blogs is almost impossible! But I do love your new blog, it’s been super helpful!

  • YourFinancesSimplified

    Thank you for the link love!!

  • http://www.brokeelizabeth.com/ BrokeElizabeth

    Aww, thanks for the link love

  • http://makingsenseofcents.com/ michelle

    That must be really time consuming to take care of 2 sites! I can’t imagine.

  • Jeff Ryan

    Thanks Andrea for the linking me. I appreciate it

  • Serendipity Savings

    Thanks for the link love friend! I love your new blog.

  • http://debtntaxes.wordpress.com/ DebtnTaxes

    Sweet, thanks for the link love. By the way I am also a huge fan of The Walking Dead, and I can’t believe what happened in tonights episode. Didn’t think they would kill him off this season.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I read spoilers, so I was prepared for it (and very relieved because I was getting sick of his crap!) I am crossing my fingers that they leave the farm next season - I’m so bored with it.

      • http://debtntaxes.wordpress.com/ DebtnTaxes

        i have a feeling they will in this final episode. I don’t like to read spoilers, that and I’m to lazy to look for them. They gotta stop killing off main characters, gonna run out soon.

  • http://dontdebt.blogspot.com/ Alice at Dont Debt

    Thank you!! I appreciate it so much.

  • http://mybrokencoin.com/ Aloysa @My Broken Coin

    Thank you for the mention! Appreciate it as always.
    The Walking Dead rocked. Too sad we have only one episode left.

  • http://www.mintingnickels.com Lindy Mint

    Thanks for including me in your roundup!

    I’m impressed you read anything at all over the past week with new blog #2 now online.

  • http://www.mastertheartofsaving.com/ Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

    I think your new blog is AWESOME! Going from 1 blog to 2 can be really crazy, I’m still trying to figure it out. I’m sure you’ll find your balance soon. I love The Walking Dead, I’ve seen season 1 like a billion times—I just finished it again yesterday. Now I just have to not go crazy waiting for season 2 to be on Netflix, which will be a million years from now.