More Slacker Team Link Love

I’ve been catching up on reading posts this weekend - obviously many of you haven’t been, since everyone I know is experiencing super low traffic! Hopefully you have some time to check out these awesome posts from my Yakezie winter team members!

World of Finance asks, who are the Joneses? We’re all supposed to keep up with them, but why? I have a feeling the Joneses are pretty miserable.

Net Worth Protect is going to be a father! Go read about his plans to overhaul his finances and send him some congratulations!

Debt Free by Thirty has been making a bunch of holiday treats to give as gifts, and I may or may not be drooling. Also, she sent me a Christmas gift and I love her. (You know you have awesome friends when you don’t win their giveaway and STILL get a prize!)

Money Cactus tells us how to deal with collectors without having a nervous breakdown. In a perfect world no one would have to deal with this, but unfortunately real life doesn’t work that way.

Money Trail interviewed a teenager about her experience as a volunteer. How awesome that there are still kids out there helping others instead of focusing on themselves!

Girls Just Wanna Have Funds posted a list of 5 Financial Holy Grails to stop worrying about. I’m with her - there are much more important things to spend time on!

Mom’s Plans updates us on life without credit cards, six weeks after putting her cards in a jar of peanut butter! It’s amazing how much faster you can pay them off when you STOP USING THEM - believe me, I know from experience.

Thirty Six Months lists 9 cheap Christmas gifts for your friends. My personal thoughts on Christmas are coming up (including why I haven’t posted about it) but I know some of you are less Scroogey than I am!

The Single Saver tells us how to sell unwanted gift cards. Personally, I HATE getting gift cards unless the person knows what stores and restaurants I like.

Nickel by Nickel has a great post about the temptation of STUFF. I’m whistling innocently with hands in my pockets… Actually I’m doing really well and haven’t been buying much lately.

My Multiple Streams posted about new IRS rules that could cost bloggers 28% of their income. Scary! Especially since my online income will be paying my bills and feeding my face starting next week.

Penny Pinching Professional compares cell phones to soup. I loved this post - it’s a very interesting way to look at cell phone contracts and whether they’re worth it.

Newlyweds on a Budget discusses 3 myths about marriage. As a former married person, I found myself LOLing at the myths and their lack of application to my failed nuptials. (That word looks funny. Yet it’s not misspelled. Hmm.)

Mid Life Miser tells us how to get cheap seats for sporting events. I haven’t attended a big sporting event in quite awhile, but I’m filing these tips away in case I need them in the future.

Invest in the Markets is giving away an Amazon giftcard, a 30-minute investing consultation, and subscriptions to the Weekend Investor newsletter! Go enter!!!

Your Finances Simplified is also doing a giveaway - $50 cash via Paypal! There are lots of entries but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t be the winner!

Cents to Save got one of those phone calls we all dread, and is dealing with the aftermath. Go show her some love - I’m sure she would appreciate it!

This entry was posted in blogging, links, yakezie by Andrea. Bookmark the permalink.

About Andrea

Andrea is a single parent trying to help others avoid the same financial mistakes she made in the past. Join in the discussion here on So Over Debt, or connect on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus.
  • Marissa

    awesome job organizing this. Listing a roundup soon.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the link love Andrea

  • Jon — Free Money Wisdom

    Great round-up. I’m looking forward to checking these out further! Keep up the great work.

  • World of Finance

    Thanks for the link love Andrea. I’m excited to be part of your winter team.


    Thanks so much for the link and the congrats for my little one!

  • Andrea

    woohoo! go slacker team some great posts in here

  • Pingback: Do You Know a ‘Fund of Funds’, Well This is a ‘Round-Up of Round-Ups’ |

  • Shaun McCarthy

    Wow, great list! Thanks for including my post.

  • Doctor Stock

    I appreciate the mention.