Joining the $30k Challenge

Some of you may have noticed the badge in my sidebar, but I wanted to officially announce my entry into the Online Money Bloggers $30k Challenge!

This challenge is the brainchild of two fellow Yakezie members, Derek from Life and My Finances and Corey from 20s Finances. Basically, a bunch of bloggers will be competing (in a friendly way!) to reach $30,000 in blogging income in 2012 - or $30k more for bloggers who already make that much. Along the way, our progress will be aggregated on the OMB website, and we’ll all be posting about our efforts, successes, and failures on the OMB blog.

I’m pretty sure I’m crazy. Do I hope I make at least $30k in 2012? Of course! But do I think I can actually do it? I’m not sure! I have several plans to increase my online income, especially since I’ll be blogging/freelancing full time in 2012, but I’m not sure how successful I’ll be.

The worst case scenario is working my butt off all year and falling short of my $30k goal. And if that happens, I’m okay with it - I know I’ll be learning from some extremely talented and ambitious bloggers, and it’s up to me to implement that knowledge and turn it into a way to pay the bills. I can actually survive on less than $30k, so the world won’t end if I don’t make it.

That said, I love competitions and I don’t like to lose. So hopefully this will be the push I need to work hard and earn some money!

I encourage you to visit the Online Money Bloggers site periodically and keep up with the progress of the challengers. I’m sure it will be interesting to see the various ways we come up with to get paid!

Reading these posts is proven to reduce your risk of boredom:

  1. Yakezie Update - Check out my Member Post!
  • The SIngle Saver

    Good luck, Andrea! I hope you make it. $2,500 a month would be a nice income! I will be following your progress.

  • Anonymous

    You can do it Andrea! it sounds like a great challenge and I just might have to join in as well. Still thinking about it..

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      You should!!! The worst that can happen is you don’t reach $30k. And if not, you can hang out in the broke people corner with me!

      • Anonymous

        Lol! You are right, it sure would not hurt to give it a go!

  • PKamp3

    I wish you luck!

    Here’s to hoping you crack $30K by February!

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Wouldn’t THAT be awesome? Somehow I’m not holding my breath, but you never know!

  • Newlyweds on a Budget

    I am excited to read about this venture! It sounds like an awesome opportunity and I’d love to learn all the tips other bloggers have about making money

  • Aloysa

    I cannot be THAT crazy since I didn’t make anything from my blog and I don’t see making 30K next year. But you - Good Luck! I will be watching you and cheering for you!

  • Kamara Kroeker

    Best of luck, Andrea! Looking forward to any tips you can throw us bloggers that are still doing this thing pro-bono.

  • Beating Broke

    Good Luck, Andrea! You can do it!

  • Jeffrey Trull

    I’m thinking about it, too, although I have to admit that I have no plans or goals for how to get there right now. But I do have ideas, so maybe that’s what’s needed most? Can’t hurt to give it a shot.

  • Niki

    I know that you will be able to accomplish this. I am just waiting to hear how.

    2012 is going to be your year.

  • Pam at MoneyTrail

    Good luck! I am anxious to follow your progress!

  • Cash Flow Mantra

    Good luck. I am going to be following all the challengers quite closely.

  • Catseye

    Good luck to you, Andrea! Something tells me that if anyone can do it, you can.

  • Kris

    Good luck - what a great idea! I really need to drop by Yakezie and check it out, there seems to be such a great community over there!

  • 20sFinances

    It’s exciting, isn’t it? I’m sorry that you don’t like to lose because you have some tough competition (yep, im talking about me). haha. We’ll do it together or die trying.

  • Maria@moneyprinciple

    Well done for joining. And remember that whether you think you can or you can’t you are right. So better believe that you can.

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