Blog Consulting Services

I’ve been publishing content on the web (in one form or another) since 1996. During those years, I’ve learned everything from HTML to CSS. I understand that not everyone has the desire to learn those skills, and you shouldn’t have to!

I read over 200 blogs daily, and I know what readers are looking for when they visit a website. If you’re struggling with gaining traffic or getting comments, perhaps you’re in need of a site audit that will highlight your strengths and weaknesses. Below are just a few of the services I offer to help your blog become the best it can be.

Available Services

Social Media

Are you unsure how to leverage social media? Having trouble gaining followers or fans? I’ll look at your social media profiles and tell you exactly what’s missing. If you aren’t comfortable using social media or don’t have time to devote to it, I’ll manage your profiles personally to help your content find the audience it deserves.

Content Analysis and Coaching

What sets some blogs apart from others? How do a few bloggers achieve stardom while others remain obscure? Compelling content. Content can be your blog’s greatest asset - or its greatest liability. As someone whose posts have been featured on The Consumerist, MSN Money, and in Reader’s Digest, I’ll review your posts and let you know what you can do to create posts people want to read and share.

Design Critiques

Is your site welcoming and user friendly, or do potential readers run away screaming? I’ll be honest - I don’t like reading ugly blogs, and neither does anyone else. If you’d like suggestions for streamlining your content, redesigning your theme, or changing any aspect of your design, I’ll let you know how you can achieve a look that encourages readers to stick around.

Technical Assistance

Whether you’re moving from Blogger to WordPress, looking for a particular plugin or gadget, or just interested in learning the behind-the-scenes aspects of running a blog, I can help! The technical side of blogging can be daunting. I can walk you through your tasks via email, chat, or phone, or I can complete it for you in just a few hours!

Looking for something different?

If you need help with anything at all, or if you’re interested in one of the services listed above, fill out the form below and we’ll discuss your project in detail. I’m here to help with whatever you need - just ask!





Sorry! I hate captchas too, but I'm getting overrun with spam.