Writing Services

When I was in kindergarten, I dreamed of growing up to be a writer. I used to staple paper together and create dozens of books, some of which inspired longer works of fiction in high school and college. While my actual career path was a little more practical, I have never lost my love for reading, writing, and everything related.

I’d like to put my skills to better use, so I’m offering a myriad of services - see examples below. If you need something but don’t see it listed, contact me. Whatever task you have, I guarantee I can accomplish it!

Available Services

Staff Writing

Are you looking for someone to post on your blog? I am always looking for new staff writing positions, especially those related to personal finance. My staff posts are tweeted to my Twitter followers, mentioned here on my blog, and promoted by my fellow bloggers. The posts will always be of comparable quality to the posts here at So Over Debt. If you need someone to fill in weekly, monthly, or even sporadically, we can discuss rates based on what you’re looking for.

Commenting Services

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is through reading and commenting on other blogs. Unfortunately, this can be very time-consuming, and many bloggers don’t have adequate time to devote to it. That’s where I come in - I’ll visit blogs related to your content and comment as “Andrea @YourBlog.” Comments will always be thoughtful and related to the topic; no “Nice post!” or “I agree” comments from this girl!

Product or Book Reviews

I love any opportunity to try out a new product or read a new book. If you’d like me to post a review, either on my site or your own, I’d be happy to do so. Please note that I will always provide my honest opinion when writing a review. However, I will give you every opportunity to correct any issues before I complain about your product.


Need some help getting your book, e-book, or other content ready for public consumption? I am an extremely skilled editor who can help your work best reflect you or your brand without removing your personal writing style.

Looking for something different?

If you need help with anything at all, or if you’re interested in one of the services listed above, fill out the form below and we’ll discuss your project in detail. I’m here to help with whatever you need - just ask!





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