Link Love: Slacker Team Edition

no, not THOSE slackers


So it’s time for winter teams at the Yakezie Network, and guess who waited until teams were already formed to sign up? Several people actually, so I wasn’t alone for once.

I’m getting to know my new teammates’ sites, and you should too! Here are some posts I found interesting this week - check them out and let me know what you think!

Denise at The Single Saver is angry that Black Friday shopping is now creeping into Thanksgiving night, and I don’t blame her. Before long I guess we won’t even have holidays - just designated shopping days. Ugh.

Marissa at Thirty-Six Months tells us how to avoid impulse buying online. This is definitely something I need to work on - this weekend I saw a buy 2 get 1 free deal and ordered before I even thought about it. I only spend $20 but still.

Money Cactus gives us some tips on how to become a millionaire. Somehow I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about it since I’m about to be unemployed, but you never know.

Lisa at Cents to Save updates us on her “stupid” credit card debt, which has decreased significantly since last month. Way to go, Lisa! Keep up the good work!

Melissa at Mom’s Plans reminds us to use written goals to pay down debt. I don’t even want to think about goals right now since so many of mine have failed this year, but eventually it’ll be time to get back on track.

Doctor Stock at Invest in the Markets tells us how to choose a discount broker. His criteria are the similar to the process I used, but it would have been awesome to have a list right in front of me like this.

Aaron Hung writes about the importance of consistency. He’s talking about blogging, but this information could easily be applied to lots of other areas.

This week should be pretty exciting - you’ll be able to vote for me to win a blogging contract, read a rant about one of my coworkers (no, not that one), and enter my Black Friday giveaway! Don’t miss out - you can subscribe via RSS, follow me on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook to stay informed of all the latest news!

Reading these posts is proven to reduce your risk of boredom:

  1. More Slacker Team Link Love
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About Andrea

Andrea is a single parent trying to help others avoid the same financial mistakes she made in the past. Join in the discussion here on So Over Debt, or connect on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus.
  • Jon — Free Money Wisdom

    Great line-up. I’m looking forward to reading some more! Great work.

  • The Single Saver

    Thanks for the link! I can’t wait to read your co-worker rant. Something tells me that will b a very entertaining post…..

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the link!