The WTF Search Awards

It’s been awhile since I went through my search referrals, and MAN did I miss out on some weirdness! I thought the whole slow vagina thing was as strange as it could get, but I was totally wrong. There were … Continue reading

What Speed Are Your Lady Bits? (And Other Search Oddities)

People get here through weird searches all the time. Usually, I can figure out how the searches relate to one of my posts, even if the query itself doesn’t make a lot of sense. But sometimes? I can’t figure out … Continue reading

Guest Post: Questions from the Internet

This article is from Ashley over at Everything Finance. Everything Finance is a site about just that, everything related to finance. You can get information about investing, saving money, shopping, blogging, and making money online. If you like what you … Continue reading

Fun with Google!

Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Google. I just heart them (it?) so very much for all of my online needs. If you follow me on Twitter (and if you don’t, you should!), you’ve probably read the tweets … Continue reading