Weekend Randomness: Plus and Minus Edition

I can’t even express how glad I am that the month of March is over! The weather has been fantastic, but I can’t remember the last time I had so many ups and downs in a 30-day period. A few of the things going on:

Plus: I got the new iPad AND I DIDN’T BUY IT! An extremely generous friend thought I could use some joy in my life and just bought it for me like it was no big deal. I’m still kind of in shock! I sold the old iPad on eBay in an attempt to feel less guilty about the fact that I own the new one. Thank you, friend!

Minus: Long story, but some things happened in early March that have basically made it impossible for me to earn the kind of money I used to earn from blogging and freelancing. (Email me if you want the long version.) I’m not even posting my income and spending because the income portion is so depressing. I know the progress bar looked good, but I assure you, it was deceiving. I’m now scrambling to find a job. *very sad face*

Plus: UK plays for the NCAA championship tomorrow night! I know some of you don’t like sports and don’t want to hear about it, but I can’t help being excited. College basketball in Kentucky is a phenomenon unlike anything most people ever experienced - I’ll try my best to shut up now that March Madness is (basically) over.

Minus: I’ve been too depressed to keep up with reading, commenting, and linking to other blogs, which is normally one of my favorite things to do. I’m determined to step it up in April, assuming I don’t find a soul-sucking job that takes up all my time and energy. My apologies to all my blogger friends!

Plus: The community at Curiosity Killed the Blog is growing (slowly) and I’ve been hired by quite a few bloggers to do conversions to WordPress, site design, and blog consulting work. I don’t know if it can save me from returning to a “real” job, but I hope to see things pick up over there. If you’re a blogger or thinking of becoming one, I encourage you to check it out!

Minus: Season two of The Walking Dead has ended, so now I have nothing to watch until October. If you guys know of some good shows for the pickiest person in the universe, let me know. I usually don’t watch TV but I might make an exception since I’ve been moping around the house for weeks.

NEUTRAL: I know I just switched to regular WordPress comments and many of you rejoiced, but I’m trying one last comment system before I give up and conform. Intense Debate is VERY similar in that you can comment with just a name and email address - you don’t have to sign up for anything. I just can’t stand the WordPress comment system; it’s ugly and I’ve been behind on moderating ever since the switch. I hope you’ll approach Intense Debate with an open mind, and please let me know if you have ANY problems.

Those are the highlights from my life in March - what about you? Tell me the best and worst things that happened last month, and we’ll be back to normal finance stuff tomorrow!


Weekend Randomness: Plus and Minus Edition15 Comments

  1. I am having trouble reading your blog on my mobile phone. It will not shrink to fit the screen, even though I have it set to mobile version. I think you changed your formatt and since then I can’t read the full article. Help please! I love your blog!!!! :)

  2. Minus: I had to have my gall bladder taken out.
    Plus: All those health insurance premiums finally paid off. (It's about time!)
    Minus: Pushed it too hard the first post-surgical week (guess I was trying to prove how tough I am) and have been playing catch-up ever since (lingering weariness).
    Plus: I work at home so I can lie down for half an hour if I really need it.
    Minus: Near-constant rain and gloom.
    Plus: The closest market is only about three blocks, so if I truly need something I can go get it if the rain dies down to a trickle. And today the sun is finally out!
    Minus: I owe taxes this year (didn't prepay enough).
    Plus: I have cash put aside so I won't have to set up a payment schedule with the IRS.
    Big plus: A friend whose husband works for an airline gave me some vouchers, so I can go visit my daughter for just over $100 round-trip and I can go to an Alaska house-sitting job for about $130. What's more, I get to stay in Alaska for free before and after the house-sitting because my friend won't take any money. (I get her back, though, since I house-sit for free and do chores that are getting to be too much for her — mowing the lawn, vacuuming — and I always leave a gift certificate to her favorite local restaurant.) I have the best friends in the world, which is the biggest plus of all.

    • Sounds like your March was about like mine, except I think I'll take the income woes over gall bladder surgery any day! Without good friends, I think both of us would feel worse - friends can make just about anything okay. :)

  3. It is good to have friends! I want to hear your story! I'm so sorry that happened to you, whatever it is. I have noticed you've been less active the past couple weeks, but just assumed you were busy. So sorry to hear. *BIG frown!*

    Take care and hope to see your update about how awesome the income is soon!!!! :) )

  4. Minus: Received a great tax return, however after filing joint taxes for our first year of marriage I lost significant grant money for school due to my husbands kick ass yearly income - I filed my FAFSA almost right after my tax return was filed and I could see the writing on the wall. Receiving the email of death - stating I will loose a $3,000 grant - was awful. I almost puked.

    Plus: My husband and I were able to save 1/3 of my tuition for next year in March, to make up for the loss of my large grant money. I will receive two smaller grants - every little bit helps! We are on track to have 100% saved by August!

    Minus: I got bit by the tablet bug and splurged on a Kindle Fire after consulting (and begging) my husband

    Plus: I bought a Kindle Fire!!! I love it! I never have to get up to use a computer!

    Minus: I gained weight this year instead of loosing. Booo

    Plus: I started going to the gym again in March, utilizing dailymile.com to log my workouts and I can also see my good friend's workouts so we kind of compete with each other. It's great!

    • Sounds like a lot of your minuses were canceled out by pluses, which is a great way to do things! I feel you on the tablet bug - I got bitten about this time last year, bought a used original iPad from a friend, and now can't imagine my life without it. I kill the battery almost every day because I use it so much. They may not be a need, but they sure are wonderful!

  5. Plus: 1 month blog anniversary

    Minus: they hired the most annoying person ever in my department

    Plus: guest posted on financial samurai

    Plus: started playing tennis again

    minus: fell on my face and pulled a hamstring my first day back on the court

    Sorry to hear about your drop in blog income. Email me and let me know what’s up.

  6. Plus: I got a great side gig unrelated to blogging that has the potential to make a lot of money
    Minus: I'm starting to feel like I never make time for friend hanging out and that makes me sad
    Plus: Blogger friends keep me motivated to keep going and not give up on paying off debt!

  7. Minus: I became really sick from a sudden, brutal allergic reaction to pollen which had to be treated with antibiotics and steroids. I missed a week of work and just got back my full sense of taste today.
    Plus: I didn't die from the allergy.
    Minus: I came to the realization that I can't keep going up on down all those stairs to the laundry room, so I forced myself to order a portable washer for my apartment.
    Plus: Hey, I won't have to spend so much time and energy going to and from the laundry room! And the washer wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it'd be.

    Please send me an email explaining the blogging income issue, okay?

  8. Let's start with a joke.

    UK fan goes to the doctor (a surgeon) with a boil on his behind. Doctor walks in and sees UK tshirt and asks patient if he has named his boil "Pitino".

    Minus: Had to make three trips to 'town' on Thursday AND Friday. Work, home, hubby to doctor, home, back to town for meds/supplies, home. Both days.

    Minus: Had to drive to Indiana (350 mile round trip) to pick up hubby's grandgirls.

    Minus: All that driving blew my monthly budget for gas. In three days.

    Plus: Had a good doctor for hubby.

    Plus: Got to spend three days with the grandgirls.

    Plus: Hubby gave me gas money. :)

    Minus: Hubby is in a LOT of pain.

    Plus: Had a few blog posts scheduled, so didn't have to write for a few days.

    Minus: Am out of scheduled blog posts and have to be nurse to hubby.

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