When it Comes to Money, One Size Does Not Fit All

Last week I got some unsolicited advice about personal finance blogging. “You have to spend more time urging your readers to take action,” the person said. “People need to be told what to do.” At the time, I nodded my … Continue reading

Decluttering: The Work Never Ends

I’m definitely not what you’d call a minimalist - I have way too much stuff for that - but I’ve been taking small steps toward decreasing some of the junk in my house. Awhile back, I cut my wardrobe down drastically … Continue reading

The 3 Types of Debt (and How to Get Out)

I’m no financial guru, but I’m a self-proclaimed expert on getting into debt. I amassed about $30,000 in useless consumer debt (which was wiped out in Chapter 7 bankruptcy) by the time I was 23 years old. At age 26, … Continue reading

When “Gazelle” Becomes “Crazy”

This post was written by Jessica Streit. She is a freelance writer and blogger who has a slight tendency to obsess over things. She is a staff writer for Everything Finance Blog, the site about everything money and finances. A few … Continue reading