Five Ways to Center Yourself

This week I’m featuring guest posts from some of my best blogging friends while I take a small blogcation. Don’t run away - these are awesome posts from talented bloggers! Today’s post comes from Daisy at When Life Gives You … Continue reading

How I Got Interested in Personal Finance

This week I’m featuring guest posts from some of my best blogging friends while I take a small blogcation. Don’t run away - these are awesome posts from talented bloggers! Today’s post comes from Vanessa, who blogs about personal finance … Continue reading

10 Financial Mistakes I Actually Haven’t Made

Until I decided to change my financial life in late 2010, the only thing I knew about money was how to spend it. This blog is full of stories about the dumb things I’ve done and how they’ve held me … Continue reading

Do You Worry About Meeting Basic Needs?

Sometimes I really believe I should stay off the internet. Yesterday, a Facebook friend posted an article about the top financial concerns among Americans. Of those surveyed, 41% reported meeting basic needs as their primary concern. I found this interesting, … Continue reading