How Do You React in a Crisis?

In November 2008, I had my first and only (knock on wood) car accident. I had just picked Jayden up from my parents’ house after work on a rainy Thursday. On the way home, a deer ran out in front … Continue reading

What Does Your Financial Behavior Say About You?

  I’ve mentioned this before, but one of my favorite parts of grad school was learning about human behavior. All people think, behave, and react in very predictable ways, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves of our … Continue reading

4 Finance Lessons from AMC’s “The Walking Dead”

Yeah, yeah, this should have been a Halloween post. Oh well. It’s not really Halloween-related anyway. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook (and if not, why not?), you probably know I’m obsessed with a huge fan of The Walking … Continue reading

Guest Post: Questions from the Internet

This article is from Ashley over at Everything Finance. Everything Finance is a site about just that, everything related to finance. You can get information about investing, saving money, shopping, blogging, and making money online. If you like what you … Continue reading