Category Archives: fincon11

I Have Abandonment Issues

I swear, I leave for 4 days and it’s like this place curled up and died. No one calls or comes to visit, no one comments… I know the posts I left weren’t stellar but WOW. I feel so alone. … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, confessions, fincon11 | 11 Comments

Stuff to Read While I’m Gone

As most of you know, I’m in Chicago for the Financial Blogger Conference! In an effort to concentrate on enjoying myself and learning a ton about improving my site, I won’t be writing again until I recover get back. Never fear, … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fincon11, links, yakezie | 14 Comments

Random Thoughts - Packing My Suitcase Edition

    I’ll be leaving for the Financial Blogger Conference in less than five days and I am PUMPED! This weekend, I’ll be attempting to prepare posts for you guys to read while I’m gone, getting some of my stuff … Continue reading

Posted in fincon11, random | 20 Comments

Why PF Bloggers Should Never Date Each Other

This post stems from a hilarious Twitter conversation between myself, @FrugalBeautiful, @Budgetable, @geekymath, @blondeonabudget, and @krystalatwork. If you aren’t following all these awesome people, you are missing out on some entertainment! (And some personal finance info every now and then … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fincon11, random, yakezie | 65 Comments