I Have Abandonment Issues

I swear, I leave for 4 days and it’s like this place curled up and died. No one calls or comes to visit, no one comments… I know the posts I left weren’t stellar but WOW. I feel so alone.

Oh yeah, except I spent the weekend with all the other personal finance bloggers and it was AWESOME! I’m completely exhausted. SO. WORTH. IT. I’ll be sharing some of the excitement from FINCON11 here on the blog, but I promise to include interesting things so the non-bloggers won’t get bored.

A few stories you can look forward to:

~ My stalker diary (unfortunately I was the stalker, not the stalkee)

~ Random drunk guy with the opening line “I’m a douchebag”

~ The ethics of accepting favors from convicted felons

~ The STORM that is terrorizing Chicago’s nightclubs (with low-quality video)

~ Snowglobegate and other swag mishaps

In an incredibly smart move, I took Monday off work, so I’ll have the first post up sometime after I drag myself out of bed. Don’t miss out on all the fun!

This entry was posted in blogging, confessions, fincon11. Bookmark the permalink.
  • http://twitter.com/sofiadurrani sofia durrani

    Looking forward to it reading all about your adventure. It was great meeting you over lunch yesterday.

  • http://twitter.com/sofiadurrani sofia durrani

    Looking forward to it reading all about your adventure. It was great meeting you over lunch yesterday.

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    True story! Gosh, was that really just yesterday? That blows my mind.

  • http://www.frugalbeautiful.com Shannyn @frugalbeautiful.com

    As a fellow swag hag, I can say that the snowglobe debacle needs to be EXPOSED as truth. I probably will be posting my favorite recipes from FINCON11…. which basically just booze and italian food. I will also be submitting a post about conference fashion, which basically consists of just me, having booze and showing up far overdressed and taller than 92.4% of conference go-ers. We will have to compare data.

  • 20′s Finances

    I guess that makes me nobody… Looking forward to hearing your stories!

  • Anonymous

    I didn’t have an issue with the snowglobe. I actually managed to smuggle two of them home…in my car.

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    I can’t understand you when you whine. Let’s try a normal voice this time. :)

  • http://twitter.com/DebtChronicles Travis Pizel

    I can’t wait to read these upcoming posts….especially since I witnessed some of the incidents first hand. This’ll give me a real beat on how your mind works. Oh crap…maybe I’m just scared now.

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Run away, Travis! Get out while you still can!

  • http://cashflowmantra.com Cash Flow Mantra

    I know how you feel. I was on a mini-break for the last 4 days and it seems like there was no traffic at all. I suppose because most of my readers were at the conference.

  • http://debtsucksblog.com Jake from Debt Sucks

    The terrible thing is that I’m sitting here a week later reading about convicted felons and The Storm and laughing my ass off about it. I didn’t even think to get video of The Storm, so I’m glad someone did.