Author Archives: Andrea

Confession: I’m Not Frugal

  I probably read 200 blog posts a week that reference frugality. How to save on groceries. How to make your own laundry detergent. How to reuse everything from old sweaters to rotten carrots. And while I’m always amazed by … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, saving, spending | 36 Comments

What is an MPAN/MPRN?

This is a guest post from First Utility. In 1998 the UK introduced the Competition Act. This provided an outline against the abuse of dominant market positions by large corporations. This act helped to offer a more competitive market for … Continue reading

Posted in budget, guest posts, saving, utilities | 2 Comments

I’m Judgmental (And So Are You)

  Over the weekend, I had some interesting conversations with friends and family regarding what people choose to do with their money. Each conversation followed the same pattern: Story of being judged, reprimanded, or chastised for a particular purchase. Defense … Continue reading

Posted in budget, debt, spending | 39 Comments

Financial Advice from a Bill Collector

This is a guest post from Rachel, a reader with experience as a collections agent. She graciously agreed to post some tips for dealing with your creditors when you’re having trouble paying your bills. Please treat her with kindness and … Continue reading

Posted in collections, confessions, credit, debt, guest post, saving | 10 Comments