Why I Just Turned Down a Part-Time Job

Very few of you know that I’ve been planning to start a part-time job in May. Even fewer know that I turned it down on Monday. I wasn’t going to mention this at all, then I decided it’s a perfect example of the action steps in my post about when to walk away. So get out your gavels and robes, because I’m sure some of you will have some opinions about this one!

The Job

One of my favorite teachers from high school sent me a Facebook message in early February, asking if I might be interested in some part-time work. She had no idea I’d quit my job - she just remembered that I was a social worker. When I spoke to her on the phone, she told me about her side business providing DUI assessments and classes (her husband is an attorney, so it’s an easy solution for his clients who get DUIs).

The hilarious part is that, as a teacher, Marsha (fake name) isn’t even qualified to provide most substance abuse services. She has been paying a certified drug and alcohol counselor to perform the assessments and teach the court-ordered education classes, but he took a job elsewhere. Because we live in a very small town, there aren’t exactly tons of qualified mental health professionals available to take his place.

In the initial conversation, I was under the impression that I would be doing DUI assessments and teaching the 20-hour education class. I thought I would spend one day each week working at her office, with the rest of my week free for writing and blogging. Wow, I thought. This has come up at the perfect time and it’s a perfect fit! This is a sign.

But you guys know my luck with jobs in my chosen career field - of course it couldn’t be that easy.

The REST of the Story

Sunday night, I met with Marsha and her husband at the DUI office to discuss the specific terms of my employment. Turns out I was completely mistaken about exactly how “part time” this job would be, and how much would be expected of me.

A summary of the additional details:

  • I would have to travel across the state for 2 trainings before I could even start, with reimbursement for gas and lodging but not the trainings themselves.
  • I would have to pay out of pocket for 24 hours of continuing education each year.
  • I would have to do the education classes on weekends - she was very firm on this.
  • I would eventually take over the program Marsha started at the county jail, which involves several evening groups each week.
  • I would be responsible for covering Marsha’s other groups when she was out of town, which means nearly every school holiday since she’s a teacher (and because they travel ALL the time). As in, every time Jayden is out of school.
  • Instead of operating from the DUI office, which is 2 miles from home, I would have to drive to the next town over and use the basement of a Catholic church. She called this “expanding.” I call it “horseshit.”
  • I would only receive roughly 35% of the fees paid by the clients for the assessments and education classes (which are already WAY too low).
  • The kicker - I would have to sign a contract stating I wouldn’t open a private therapy practice in the county where I live for at least FIVE YEARS after leaving the position.

Considering the hours, the cost of continuing education, and the schedule, it would work out to minimum wage. And I’d lose way more than one day a week of writing time. Sunday night when I got home, I was absolutely sick to my stomach, just like Sunday nights when I was still working at my old job.

My Thought Process

Using the steps in my post about walking away, here’s how I made my decision to decline the offer.

1. Determine what values are at stake.

This situation was a fierce competition between my need for extra/steady income and my love of self-employment. I have been incredibly happy in 2012, more than I think I’ve ever been in my adult life. I didn’t want to give up that happiness for a job that sounded like something I’d hate, yet I didn’t want to turn down the money (however crappy).

2. Assess the level of risk.

Taking the job would be a risk because, for one, I know I’d be miserable. Also, this is a small town, and I have a lot of respect for Marsha’s status in the community (and her husband’s). If I hated it and wanted to quit, I’d risk making them mad and ruining my reputation. Not taking the job is also a risk because I’ve already said I would have to look for a part-time job if my income didn’t improve in March. (Luckily it’s looking good so far.)

3. Imagine all the potential outcomes.

I Take the Job

Best case: I make a little bit of extra money and learn to like the job.
Likelihood: When it’s already making me sick, not very likely to happen.

Worst case: I’m miserable and end up quitting.
Likelihood: Very likely.

I Don’t Take the Job

Best case: I continue making money from writing/blogging and live happily ever after.
Likelihood: Very possible, though not guaranteed.

Worst case: I end up living in a cardboard box because my online income tanks and I can’t find another job.
Likelihood: Possible, but I don’t see it getting this bad. I’m pretty resourceful when I need to be.

4. Set limits.

I had a long conversation with my parents about what conditions might make me want to accept the job. For example, what dollar amount would it take to make the job worth it? What schedule would I be willing to work? Questions like those made me realize that I really didn’t want to take this job, even if they paid me $100 an hour. I just escaped from a career with weird hours and time away from my son; I really didn’t want to do it again.

5. When all else fails, go with your gut.

My gut was screaming bloody murder on this one. Even though I could use the money, and I very well may end up working a cash register at the Dollar Store, I was surprised at the way I reacted physically to the thought of doing anything therapy-related.

What Do You Think?

On Monday, I emailed Marsha and let her know that I won’t be able to accept the position. I feel guilty because I know they’ll have trouble finding someone else, due to both geography and the low pay. Honestly, I think both of them are planning to retire soon, and they see this as an opportunity to rake in a bunch of money while someone else does all the work. I just can’t find any way to make it worth it.

So, did I make the right decision? Am I an idiot for turning down money when my income is so shaky? I want to know what you think! (Just be polite, please!)

  • SmallIvy

    At least the bad hours made up for the low pay. I think you made the right choice because you need to be there for your son while he’s off school. Surely there are a lot of other part time jobs you could take that would be better hours and probably pay better.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      That’s what I keep thinking. There aren’t many jobs around here, but if I’m going to take something with low pay and horrible hours, I’d rather take something that wasn’t so mentally exhausting. She actually asked me if I could cover for her during spring break in a few weeks, which REALLY made me mad - Jayden will be out of school and I want to hang out with him, not run around doing her work.

  • http://www.broketo.ca Melissa

    Good for you!! That job does sound unreasonable, and if it gave you such a crappy feeling, then I think you made the right decision in turning it down.

    I’m not freelancing anymore (sigh!) but if I was, and I needed a part-time job for a little extra cash, I honestly think I would just find something easy and simple, like a job at a mall or at Starbucks or something. Something I wouldn’t have to think about. Your day job really shouldn’t be causing you any stress. That’s why it’s a day job.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’m glad you found something, but I’ve been so sad to lose one of my internet coworkers.

      If you have any former clients who need someone, send them my way. I need to up the income but I’m with you - I’d rather work at Starbucks (not that we HAVE Starbucks in this town) than bust my ass for peanuts.

  • Melissa

    You made the right decision… They were looking for someone to do all the work and they make all the money.


    • http://www.makingsenseofcents.com/ Michelle

      This is exactly what I was thinking.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      That’s exactly what I think. They are looking for a sucker to do the grunt work while they benefit. And it’s offensive to me that someone I respected so much as a high school student would try to take advantage of me that way.

  • http://www.facebook.com/Jryan0630 Jeff Ryan

    Finally I can comment….whooohooo…ok so back to the post. I think that you thought this out pretty good. I typically would be the type to jump into a job and be miserable. I know a lot of people wont understand the misery of a bad reputation in a small town, but I do. And last but not least, God, often times makes our conscience uneasy when we are contemplating something we shouldn’t do.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I think that’s very true - I know deep down it wasn’t the right thing for me to do. Normally I’m a lot more wishy-washy about career choices, but I couldn’t make this one seem like a good idea no matter what I did.

  • http://add-vodka.com/ Daisy

    Girl, as long as you feel that you made the right decision, that’s all that matters! But the job does sound a little crazy. I don’t blame you for turning it down.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, friend! I appreciate the vote of confidence.

  • http://www.thesinglesaver.com/ Denise @ The Single Saver

    I would have run from that opportunity, too! The stipulation that you couldn’t open your own private consulting business within 5 years would have done it for me. If the pay is low there are plenty of other ways to bring in more money - if you are going to work in your field you ought to at least be paid fairly for it. Frankly, I am not feeling too sorry for Marsha based on what you wrote. You have a good plan for self employment and you owe it to yourself to put your full attention toward it. Nope, you aren’t an idiot in my opinion.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Yeah, the contract was the weirdest aspect of it. I asked her husband (who is an attorney) if they could consider saying I wouldn’t open a business in direct competition with them, which would leave me able to do mental health counseling and not substance abuse. Not that I want to do either, but I may have to. And her husband was like, “I wouldn’t be comfortable with that.” Five years is a LONG time - most no-compete agreements I’ve seen have only been for 6 months to a year.

  • http://bogofdebt.wordpress.com/ Bogofdebt

    Good for you! I’m so glad you didn’t take that job. Something that makes you sick to your stomach before you actually start? Not a good sign. If it is barely paying you minimum wage, and you would lose a day of your writing (which is your full time job), I think you did the right thing.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Actually a day wouldn’t have been too bad. It would have been Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Friday nights, all day Tuesday, and Saturday and Sunday mornings. With other random times stuck in when I had to cover her crap. NOT WORTH IT!

  • http://www.thecentsiblelife.com/ Kelly Whalen

    You made the right decision based on your assessment. I know it’s hard to walk away, but it makes sense both on paper and in your ‘gut’ so you did the right thing. I’ve had to leave jobs or turn them down as my blogging business has grown. I always have the same guilt, though I wonder if men feel that way when they have to say no.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      That’s a really good point. I think we torture ourselves a lot more than men do. My dad kept saying, “This isn’t emotional - it’s business!” but I can’t think of anything based on facts alone. My intuition usually doesn’t steer me wrong.

  • Shayne H

    My first time reading your blog, so I probably have no right to comment, but here I go…
    You did the right thing.
    Back in the early 2000′s, when the .com bubble burst, I was surrounded by unemployed professionals, myself included. I watched time after time someone taking a job (part time or full) that in other circumstances they would have never even looked at. Each and every person was miserable and in the long run ended up leaving the job after putting themselves through hell.
    If you are making it now, nobody is starving, you are providing for your child, then there is not reason to make yourself go through hell for what is essentially a very poor paying job.
    On the other hand, if you aren’t able to provided for yourself and your son, then take any damn job that comes your way.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Of course you have the right to comment! I LOVE new people!!!!

      Right now I’m paying the bills and eating, so I can’t justify making myself miserable. If I’m ever unable to do those things, I’ll take whatever I have to. Luckily I’m not there yet.

  • http://everythingfinanceblog.com Tushar Mathur

    Always go with your gut!

  • knox

    you did the right thing! this job sounded like grunt work for peanuts!! You finally got out from under all that and are doing something you love! Its so great that you were able to take your own advise and apply it in your decision! this means there is hope for the rest of us!!! Thanks for the great example and YOU GO GIRL!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thank you! There’s always hope - I believe that no matter how stressed I get sometimes.

  • http://www.iyampam.com/ Pammy Pam

    ive turned down several jobs. in the end its about what’s right for you. if later on you realize you’ve made a mistake, oh well, then learn from it.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Great advice - I’m pretty darn good at learning from mistakes and I never make the same one twice. I just find new and more creative ways to screw up! Still, I really don’t think I’ll regret this decision.

  • http://www.debtblackhole.com/ Dave Hilton

    You’d make better money delivering pizza at Domino’s (I’ve done this)! You should start your own DUI assessment program & run them out of the area. I’m sure there are plenty of attorneys who would love to get a small % for referrals!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’ll definitely never get the DUI business around here - since her husband is an attorney, of course all his friends are going to refer people to their business. Plus I really don’t want to go back to substance abuse - the regulations are so stifling.

  • Jackie Walters

    You did the right thing and went with your gut. If it made you physically ill after you left the meeting Sunday night you know you made the right decision. Now you know what you don’t want to do.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Agreed. Feeling sick just thinking about it was probably an indication it would be even worse when I actually had to do it.

  • http://read-thatreviews.blogspot.com/ Rachel

    That job sounds like hell waiting to happen and a serious exploitation of your skills and training. If even the prospect of earning serious cash from it didn’t make you want to take, I can’t see any reason for you to take it for peanuts. Minimum wage jobs should require minimum effort.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      The logo is taking over the world!!!!! I’m just glad I finally got Disqus to realize you weren’t a spammer. It HATES your email address for some reason.

      • http://read-thatreviews.blogspot.com/ Rachel

        Well I finally registered with Disqus last night. Maybe that helped. The logo is what happens when I’m twittering at night on like 4 hours of sleep (aka last night), and the egg starts to look spooky. Plus someone in my feed had the same egg as me. It was just too much.

        • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

          I hate the egg. I usually assume that people with the egg are spammers. Maybe that’s why Disqus didn’t like you!

          • http://read-thatreviews.blogspot.com/ Rachel

            Or maybe it was discriminating against my whimsy.

          • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

            Also a strong possibility.

  • http://twitter.com/FrugalBeautiful Shannyn

    There’s always this assumption that if the money’s there you should take it. I hate that…I did it for several years out of necessity working 12 hour shifts before going to school in the evenings with no hope of a raise and no benefits. While it worked for a time, I realize I was too far set in “survival mode” to think clearly and advocate for myself to get paid fairly.

    This “opportunity” looks like a crock of horse poo. Good for you for not burning the candle at both ends just to work hard, not smart.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      A crock of horse poo. I love it!

      I hope you’re prepared to support me when we’re both old and still single. Because I may be completely broke by then!

  • http://www.thedebtprincess.com/ Jessica

    If you lived in an area where advancement with in the field would have been possible, I would have said “maybe consider it more.” But given everything you’ve told us, I think you made the right choice.

  • http://questfor85.blogspot.com/ Quest

    I think you did the right thing. You are older, wiser and experienced in this field. You already know what it is going to involve emotionally and physically to do a job like this well. The commitment, however, falls outside of the parameters that you have set for yourself in your current life and that’s fine! Don’t stress! The job sounds to me to be more trouble than it’s worth.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks! I appreciate the validation. I have made so many poor decisions, sometimes it’s hard to recognize the ones I make that aren’t a disaster.

  • http://www.moneyaftergraduation.com/ Bridget

    Wow that is a shitty part-time job! lol Good thing you turned it down

  • http://mybrokencoin.com/ Aloysa @My Broken Coin

    I can summarize it in one word (I will quote you actually): horseshit. I am glad you turned it down. It seemed to be very unfair and abusive.

  • Claire

    There is a lot more to a job than just a paycheck (a pretty small one it sounds like). You did the right thing. You gave it thought and evaluated all the pros and cons. As a parent, you have to make your time with your son a priority. I am in the same boat. I was latex off a little over a year ago. I really had to see this as an opportunity to find something that matched my priorities, which at this point in my life, are my family and having the right schedule. I’m not going to work to put my kids in daycare!! Good for you. The right thing will come along that will be the perfect fit…until then don’t sell yourself short.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’m assumed the “latex” part was an autocorrect - it made me LOL! Anyway, I’ve noticed a big difference in my son since I’ve actually been able to spend time with him. I don’t see myself giving that up easily.

  • http://www.beatingbroke.com/ Beating Broke

    As someone who is in a very similar position, I’m either very qualified to make a comment on your decision, or so jaded by my own position that I should keep my mouth shut. I guess you’ll have to decide.

    As you probably know, I took a part time job within days of walking away from my previous position. The job is a really good fit for me, and the income is necessary to us for paying bills. But, I’ve gotten pressure from some that I need to find a new full time job. In fact, I was approached about a job very similar to the job I had, except a step up the ladder. After some internal debate, much like you did, I decided that it wasn’t something that I wanted to pursue.

    In a way, I feel like the turmoil that I had in my previous job has “soured” my view of that and similar positions. Maybe that will go away someday, but we’ll see.

    What I do know, is that any prospect that evokes the kind of response that you describe having isn’t worth the money.

    Best of luck, Andrea!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I value your opinion VERY much because our situations are so similar. I just can’t see myself going back to therapy unless I’m absolutely desperate. It would be more rewarding to shovel cow manure. I really think I chose the wrong career and it took me 6 years to realize. Even my family members can tell how much happier I am now, and I was shocked that my mother encouraged me to turn down the job “because it would take time away from your blogging.” Knowing I have support makes it much easier to advocate for myself and what makes me happy.

  • http://fromshoppingtosaving.blogspot.com/ shoppingtosaving

    NO you are not an idiot! This was definitely the BEST decision you could have possibly made! If you were feeling sick to your stomach and with all those crazy requirements, I would be pissed off and definitely not go for it just like you did.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks for your opinion! It really helps to know that so many people agree with me. I always second-guess these kinds of decisions.

  • http://moneymamba.com/ JT

    tl;dr: Part-time pay, full-time commitment. Wow, what a deal for you!

    I’d pass on that too. The 24 hours of continued education (is that a state law or something?) is asinine given that you won’t be working full time. The non-compete agreement is just icing on the cake. I mean, I know you say you really like these people, but it seems they think they’re going to take advantage of your time and knowledge. Demand mo’ money; you have nothing to lose, really.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Yes, the continuing ed is a state requirement. But the least they could do is pay for it (or even half) since I wouldn’t need it if I wasn’t working for them.

  • http://www.homeownerby30.blogspot.com/ LBC Teacher

    No, you’re not an idiot! You can find something part time that will pay better and be more flexible…even if it’s not in your field (heck, working at Starbucks a few days a week sounds better than that job!)

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I haven’t ruled out working at Lowe’s - there’s one about 25 minutes away, and I think I’d actually like it compared to doing therapy again!

  • Lisa Allen

    If it worked out to minimum wage based upon what you know now, there could always be additional unanticipated costs. If the price of gas goes up to $5 a gallon as has been predicted, and you aren’t being reimbursed for all of your mileage, you could easily end up losing money. I tried a home-based business 2 years ago, and it is coming close to costing me money instead of bringing in extra income as I overestimated the number of people who would be willing to spend money on high-end cosmetics during a recession. This sounds like a very sound decision.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks for your input! It’s always so hard to know what to do, but I think this job definitely would have cost more in time, training, and running around than I would have made. I can’t believe they thought I’d be okay with such crappy conditions. Tells me that the respect I had for them definitely wasn’t reciprocal!

  • http://www.newlywedsonabudget.com/ Newlyweds on a Budget

    It sounds like they were trying to stick it to someone else.

    That job sounded horrible. I’m glad you were smart enough to walk away! They WILL have a hard time finding someone else because that person will need to be in SUPER need of the money.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Not to mention the fact that there are VERY few LCSWs around here. Someone would have to drive from another county and it’s just not worth it.

  • http://talesofarealjerseyhousewife.blogspot.com/ Jesort415

    I have accepted quite a few jobs where from jump street my gut screamed RUN and within weeks have always regretted it. Unfortunately this has lead to some burned bridges which is not what I like to do at all but even when I tried to find resolutions that would work for both sides these people turned out to be even more impossible then I imagined.
    One guy literally would not let me quit. I offered 3 weeks notice and to come in even after that to train my replacement. He told me it was unacceptable, I HAD to stay since he was paying me, if I went thru with quitting he would not pay me anymore. When that didn’t work he tried to slam me professionally saying me qutting meant I didn’t stand behind my work which must means it’s not good. Once I realized there was no working with him, I just didn’t show up anymore. Thankfully I only lost out on 3 days pay (because for sure he didn’t pay me) but I am much happier at a new position.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Wow, what a horrible experience! I’m glad you’re happy where you are now. Sometime I’ll have to post about all my horrible job experiences - I just didn’t ever find a good fit.

    • http://read-thatreviews.blogspot.com/ Rachel

      It’s illegal for him not to pay you for work done. What a jerk.

  • Christi Frederick

    You SO made the right decision! Since they may retire sometime soon, perhaps you could start up a similiar operation or pick up where they left off? You have the expertise, you should be the one to profit from it IF it is something you would want to pursue.
    Also, you don’t know what awaits you when Jayden starts high school. Might be a ton of homework waiting each night (hope it is the opposite). He will only be in high school four years…opportunities will arise that are better suited for you. God’s timing.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I totally agree. I feel like there’s a reason I was pushed to work from home, with everything he’s got going on. And I think it will pay off to consider every opportunity very carefully - he needs me more and more as he gets older (instead of less and less like typical kids) and I want to be available for him.

  • http://www.moneyspruce.com/ Jeffrey Trull

    She called this “expanding.” I call it “horseshit.” <- Hilarious
    That about says it all for me. Honestly, it does sound like a sorta crappy job. If you're not excited about it going in, you definitely won't be a few days/weeks/months down the line.

    I'm all for part-time jobs even when you're going the entrepreneurial route, but I still think there has to be some filter for what you're willing to accept. I hope something else comes along for you!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, Jeffrey. I hope so too! Hopefully I’ll recognize the right opportunity when it presents itself.

  • http://www.brokeelizabeth.com/ BrokeElizabeth

    You’re definitely not an idiot… if your gut instinct was telling you to run, then I probably would have thought you were an idiot for not listening to it

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’m pretty good at ignoring my gut… This one actually surprised me. I’ll try to remember that from now on - if I ignore my instincts, I’m an idiot. Good idea!

  • http://www.mintingnickels.com Lindy Mint

    I’ve made the mistake of taking grunt work jobs for no pay because I didn’t ask enough questions up front. They always ended badly.

    You owe yourself some credit for not jumping into it blindly, and walking away from what is clearly a bad deal. Business is business, and like you said, you’re not starving. There are other jobs out there, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      After the disaster of my last job, where I didn’t get enough details upfront (though I thought I did - I just didn’t know what to ask), I was determined not to make that mistake again. And the more details I got, the less I liked what I heard. I know the right thing will come up, and who knows? Maybe what I’m doing is exactly the right thing.

  • http://twitter.com/seedebtrun See Debt Run

    If not for any other cons listed above, don’t take it for the simple reason that they aren’t fully paying for your training. At my most recent job, they trained me (imagine that!). All of the training and certification were paid for by my employer. My manager once told me that someone asked her “what if your employees quit after you’ve trained and certified them?” She said “I’d rather have trained employees that leave than untrained employees that stay!” And that contract you’re required to sign? Total horseshit! She’s not even paying for your flippin training?!?!?! Why would she feel she has the right to keep you from doing something greater with that training…that you’re supposed to pay for yourself?! Please don’t take this job.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Yeah, the thought of paying for my own training was a real turnoff. It’s not THAT expensive, but I wouldn’t need it for most other jobs. My thing is, if I’m required to have a certain certification for the job, the employer can pay for it!

  • http://deenadollars.wordpress.com/ Deena Dollars

    I agree with what others have said re: hours and pay.

    The non-compete agreement is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, though.

    This is me, as Andrea, telling these crazy people off:

    “You are required to have someone certified to provide therapy to do this job. I paid my way through school to have that certification. You require additional training to do this job. I would have to pay for that additional training. IN BLUNT TERMS, ARE YOU JACKASSES GOING TO PAY MY $40k IN STUDENT LOANS THAT I TOOK OUT PRECISELY TO WORK IN THE FIELD YOU ARE ASKING ME TO WORK IN AND PROMISE TO SIGN A NON-COMPETE ABOUT? If this freelancing thing does not work out and I have to go back to doing something related to my degree, ARE YOU GOING TO PAY ME TO SIT ON MY ASS FOR FIVE YEARS BECAUSE MY DEGREE IS USELESS THANKS TO YOU? Didn’t think so.”

    Then I would laugh and throw a tomato at them.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      “Then I would laugh and throw a tomato at them.” Hahahahaha! This is the best rant EVER!!! Thank you, friend!

  • Catseye

    Good for you, Andrea! That “job” offer was just insulting.
    I’ve learned the hard way never to take a job that’s not right for me. Whenever I’ve taken a job that I really didn’t want, I’ve regretted it. I’ve been fired from horrible jobs twice. One of them I got through an employment agency! Yeah, I paid to work for a company that fired me. ;o)

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’ve always been fortunate to leave of my own free will, but I’ve left a LOT of jobs. After awhile I had to realize that the common factor was my inability to function under rules that I think are arbitrary or dumb. This one wouldn’t have been any different, and I’m so glad I realized that ahead of time.

  • http://www.thepennyhoarder.com/ Kyle @ The Penny Hoader

    That’s crazy. I don’t think you should feel guilty - the provisions in the contract are excessive. Why limit yourself for five years with a job that won’t provide that much income anyway? I definitely think you did the right thing…

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Exactly! That contract is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. And five years is a LONG time.

  • http://marriedwithdebt.com/ John @MarriedWithDebt

    It sounds like they were lowballing you, and from what I gather, it sounds more like a full time job.

    I did the same thing you did: turned down a work opportunity that I really didn’t want. I realized I was feeling guilty for getting what I wanted. That is probably what you are feeling too. Life has us so beaten down that when things go ok, we feel like we don’t deserve it.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Very true! I feel like declining a job offer is a luxury when so many people would give anything to have that kind of offer, even for such low pay. And it’s hard to convince myself that what I did is okay. But I know I would have hated that job and resented them for paying me so little, so it really is better that I made the choice i did.

  • http://upendilife.com/ Rafiki

    You definitely made the right decision. Happiness is the path to walk. You didn’t need any of us to assure you of that.

    You’ve still got options as of now, and I am certain more opportunities will come. Be confident in yourself. Don’t let desperation cloud your judgement at this stage. You are really smart. You aren’t at that stage yet.

    I have faith in you.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      That’s one reason I’ve already been looking for jobs - I don’t want to wait until I AM desperate and have to choose something awful. Thanks for the reminder to have confidence; it’s hard to do sometimes!

  • http://www.myjourneytomillions.com Evan@MyJourneytoMillions

    I didn’t read all 76 comments but instead of turning it down why not make a counter offer? If you were going to turn it down either way why not make the job perfect for you (i.e. More pay, less hours, less responsibilities etc) and just see if they would have bit? Maybe an equity stake?

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      There was really no negotiating due to the nature of the position - if I wasn’t going to do all the work and all the hours, they would have to hire someone else. And if they’re going to do that, why not just find one person who’s willing to do all of it? The thing is, no matter how much they would have paid (none, according to the response email I got), I would have been miserable and wouldn’t have had time available for writing. So it made sense to turn it down and move on.

  • http://dontdebt.blogspot.com/ Alice @ Dont Debt

    I think your # 5 should have been closer to the top of the list. You *always* need to go with your gut. I worked a part time job at the local Target two Christmas’s ago. I had every intention of staying past the Christmas season. It took such a toll on my body (guess it was a hint that I’m getting old, huh), the hours were not good for me since I was already working a full time day job, and finally, the ‘supervisors’ I had to work for were less than pleasant. Even though I really wanted the money, I had to decline their offer to stay.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I’m a big proponent of following gut feelings, but I think it’s a good idea to REALLY think things through first. I need to understand *why* I’m having such strong gut feelings to make sure it’s not something that could be fixed or improved on. And ugh re: working at Target! I can’t imagine how exhausting that must have been.

  • http://halfdozendaily.typepad.com/ C.R.P


    TOTALLY KIDDING!!! lol! Really, you have to follow your conscious & your heart, you obviously knew this was NOT the job for you! Good luck finding one that fits!!

  • Teinegurl

    Trust your gut on this one! Andrea is there a way when i leave a comment to see if you replied to me without coming back to your site?? Like an email notificiation or something?? I’ve just been wondering about that anyways back to the subject at hand. In a way from how i read your kind of forcing yourself to like it but really even if you do end up at the Dollar Store it might be a better fit! It doesn’t sound worth it to me.

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      If you set up a Disqus account (I know, like you need or want another account), you’ll get email notifications and you can respond to the email to comment back. That’s actually how I’m responding right now.

  • themomster

    the mark of a mature person is knowing when something isn’t a good fit. Good for you for not taking that garbage job!

  • MiCommonCents

    I am clearly late in the game! But man was she joking when she offered you the job? It’s an insult! sign your life away for 5 years HAHAHAHA……. I did it for 18 months and trust me that won’t ever happen again!!

  • http://www.dqydj.net/ PK

    “Am I an idiot for turning down money when my income is so shaky?”

    The way you described it? You’d be an “idiot” if you took it! Minimum wage for what you’re describing seems like a waste of time, plus all my red flags go up when I hear “pay for training”. Yeah, you already did. It was called ‘college’.

    You’re probably smart to keep looking however, at least until you have more certainty the blog can carry you - but certainly don’t kill yourself for what will be soul-crushing pay. I bet you already make more blogging. Can you ask for more?

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      They made it clear that the percentages they gave me were final. I didn’t bother asking for more - I just turned it down. But I did let them know that it was because of the hours and commitment versus the low pay. Even if they paid me significantly more, it wouldn’t have been worth it. They were asking me to basically be available 24/7; I’ve done that before and I have no plans to do it again.

  • http://shovellicious.blogspot.com/ Shovellicious

    “Am I an idiot for turning down money when my income is so shaky?” I think you’re not. You did the right thing turning it down and you did it in a RIGHT WAY. You have a son and, from my point of view, it’s just impossible to be flexible like a “call girl” for such sum of money! Somebody suggested working in Starbucks or mall or anything you wouldn’t have to think about. But I have mixed feelings about that: maybe after some time you’d start thinking “I finished my studies, I put my ass into student loans and now I don’t take advantage of that” and it might be quite… depressing after some time too. But for me the worst part was when I read you wouldn’t open private practice in five years! Who knows in what kind of job situation you’ll be in five years and maybe your life , being mother will make you to make different decisions-having closed doors doesn’t help.

    You did the right thing! I wish you all the best and I hope we’ll hear better news soon

  • http://cashflowmantra.com/ Cash Flow Mantra

    Plain and simple, they were trying to screw you and take advantage of your situation. Five year no-compete and 35% of the fees. They planned on keeping the other 65%?! WTF! The only way you could be accused of being an idiot was if you didn’t tell them to “Bite me”.

  • http://www.ourhometools.com/ Geoff

    I thought slave labor had been abolished? I think you did the right thing turning the job offer down, no point in being miserable and hardly getting much reward out of it.