A PF Blogger Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the web,
Not a blogger was posting, they’d all gone to bed.
Their insomniac readers clicked through with care,
In hopes that a new post soon would be there.

The bloggers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of AdSense checks danced in their heads.
And my dogs in their sweaters, and I in my gown,
Gave it up for the night and went to lie down.

When on my iPhone there arose such a clatter,
I unlocked the screen to see what was the matter.
Away to my inbox I flew like a flash,
Hoping for an offer of guest posts for cash.

The moon on the face of my tiny phone screen,
Kept me from reading and I wanted to scream.
I went to my office, and what should appear,
But a torrent of retweets from friends I hold dear.

With my Mac Twitter app, so lively and quick,
I went to my mentions with just a few clicks.
More rapid than eagles, the retweets, they came
And then I responded, calling each by name.

“Thanks, Katie! And Carrie! And BlondeonaBudget!
Thanks Shannyn and Jana and BudgetorFudget!
You guys are so awesome, and other friends, too.
Without your support, I don’t know what I’d do!”

As I sat there, enthralled with my retweets galore,
My dogs starting barking and ran to the door.
I grabbed for my gun like a true Southern belle,
And saw DebtChronicles running like hell.

I lowered the gun and took out the clip,
Coaxed him out of the ditch where he’d busted his lip.
An assortment of Grey Goose flung on his back,
He looked like a bartender as he emptied his pack.

His eyes - how they’re bloodshot! His drunk smile - how merry!
Did he really drive here? I hope not; that’s scary!
His smile grew larger as he passed me the ale,
“Don’t worry!” he promised. “I got this on sale!”

The bag for his laptop he held tight in his teeth,
And the power cord circled his head like a wreath.
“Sorry to drop in unexpected,” he said.
“I need to finish a post and my computer is dead!”

He was weighed down with stuff, hazard to his health,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and the shine on his dome
Told me it was safe to let him into my home.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Published his post, then turned with a jerk.
And just when I thought it was time to reminisce,
He shouted, “It’s midnight! My wife will be pissed!”

He sprang to the door with unusual speed,
Said, “Bye! Gotta check on my RSS feed!”
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“Bloggy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

  • http://dailymoneyshot.net Jana @ Daily Money Shot

    You are amazing!!! I think this is the best poem I’ve read. Ever.

    Drunk blogging Santa. Simply awesome.

  • http://everythingfinanceblog.com Tushar Mathur

    Wow! How do you do this? You are a poet now?
    Awesome Andrea!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, Tushar! Merry Christmas!

  • Katie

    You’re awesome! Merry Christmas, Andrea!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Same to you!!!

  • Pingback: 10 Reasons I Love Christmas, Plus My Favorite Posts | NetWorthProtect.com

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  • Anonymous

    That was THE BEST thing I have ever read! Great job! Everyone should read this!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thank you! Merry Christmas!!!!

  • http://deenadollars.wordpress.com/ Deena Dollars

    This is awesomeeeeeee. Merry Christmas, Andrea!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Same to you!! Thanks!!!!!

  • http://organicfashionblog.com/ Alana Lanai

    That was awesome!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, Alana! Merry Christmas!

  • http://YoungAdultFinances.com/ FinancialSuccessforYoungAdults

    What a cute poem! Very original

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, LaTisha! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

      • http://YoungAdultFinances.com/ FinancialSuccessforYoungAdults

        You too!

  • http://graduatedlearning.wordpress.com Stephanie

    Loved this! Very impressed with your skills at matching the original! Merry Christmas!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, Steph! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  • http://www.themoneyprinciple.co.uk/ Maria@moneyprinciple

    I love this; so funny and so ‘close to the bone’. Merry Christmas and I am certain that ‘great deeds await you’ next year.

    Bloggy Christmas!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Bloggy Christmas to you as well, Maria!

  • http://twitter.com/FrugalBeautiful Shannyn

    Loved loved loved this! I give it two mustaches WAY up! May your Christmas be merry and your bra be filled with nog. <3 you!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Oh the cups are definitely overflowing with eggnog! Combed the mustache and everything!! Merry Christmas, my friend!

  • http://twitter.com/DebtChronicles Travis Pizel

    You made my Christmas, Andrea - your creativity just blows my mind. There is definitely vodka in my future for my family gatherings this weekend, but sadly it is not Grey Goose. I save the good stuff for special occasions….like #fincon12? Have a great Christmas weekend!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      No vodka in my weekend unfortunately, but don’t feel bad - I don’t buy the good stuff either! Merry Christmas to you and Vonnie and the kids!

  • http://www.worldoffinance.biz/ World of Finance

    Awesome poem Andrea! Merry Christmas to you and your family

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      You too, Mary!!!

  • http://www.dqydj.net PKamp3

    Hilarious. Bravo. A PF Epyllion deserving of multiple reads!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thank you! Have a bloggy Christmas!

  • Catseye

    Very clever! A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Andrea!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      You too! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  • Little House

    That’s awesome and so creative. Have a wonderful holiday!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks, Little House! You too!!

  • Mackenzie

    So clever! I loved it Merry Christmas!

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      You too, Mackenzie!

  • Teinegurl

    hahaha oh shit my wife will be pissed! haha

  • http://www.focusedintensitycoaching.com Charles Scott Maderer

    That’s too funny,

    Thanks for Sharing

  • Anonymous

    Great poem!! You are a woman of many talents!

  • Anonymous

    this is unreal. well played

    • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Thanks! Hope you had a great Christmas.

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