Vapor4Life Review and Giveaway! [CLOSED]

The winner (chosen randomly by Rafflecopter) is LITTLE HOUSE! Thanks to all who participated in the giveaway!

Disclosure: I received a free Vapor4Life kit in order to try the product for the purpose of this review. The winner of the giveaway will also receive a free kit. However, as always, this review contains my real opinions, not a bunch of crap I’m “supposed” to say.

The Review

When Vapor4Life approached me about reviewing their e-cigarette, I was super excited. I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to quit smoking for several years, and while e-cigarettes are NOT a smoking cessation device, they are a great alternative to tobacco cigarettes.

What are E-Cigarettes?

E-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, use replaceable cartridges to heat up a solution of nicotine and flavoring. The vapor from an e-cigarette has no odor, leaves no film or residue on surfaces, and helps smokers get a nicotine fix without offending others. Also, e-cigarettes save smokers anywhere from 50-70% each month when compared to the cost of tobacco cigarettes.

What’s in the box?

I received a base kit with 2 batteries, 5 of the cartomizers I selected (equivalent to a carton or so of tobacco cigarettes), a carrying case, a wall charger, and a USB battery that can be used while plugged in. I especially love the carrying case because I hate just sticking an e-cigarette inside my purse.

Why is Vapor4Life Different?

I have tried several e-cigarette brands, but none of them offer the selection that Vapor4Life offers. Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed by all the different choices at first, but the information on the website helped me make a decision. If you’re looking for variety, Vapor4Life is definitely your brand.

CoolCart Cartomizers vs. WOW Vapor Cartomizers

The first choice to make is the type of cartomizer (the cartridge that screws onto the battery). The CoolCart cartomizers remain cool to the touch while you are “vaping” or using the e-cigarette, and they produce less vapor. The WOW Vapor cartomizers heat up and can become warm to the touch, producing a thicker, warmer vapor. I chose the CoolCart cartomizers, and I kind of wish I had opted for the WOW Vapor cartomizers instead. The fact that the cartomizer didn’t heat up made it feel less like smoking (for me).


Both types of cartomizers come in multiple flavors: beverages (beer, tequila, margarita, etc.), coffee, dessert (black licorice, caramel apple, etc.), menthol, fruit (cherry, pineapple, banana, etc.), or tobacco. While I opted for traditional tobacco flavor, I also received some samples of the fruit and dessert-flavored cartomizers. They were surprisingly good! For everyday use, I think most people would stick to tobacco or menthol, but the other flavors are good for something different every now and then.


All cartomizers come in strengths ranging from 0mg (super weak) to 36mg (super strong). Since I smoke “light” cigarettes, I chose 18mg - right in the middle. And as with other e-cigarettes, I kind of kicked myself for not ordering stronger ones. For some reason vapor just isn’t as strong as the real thing. Next time I’ll be ordering a higher strength to make the experience a little more accurate.

The Verdict


  • Easy to use/understand
  • Tobacco flavor tastes like real tobacco
  • A fully charged battery lasts about 2 days
  • Don’t have to deal with the liquid solution - the cartomizers are prefilled
  • A cartomizer lasts about 2 days (your mileage may vary depending on use)
  • USB battery allows me to “vape” even if I forget to charge a battery ahead of time
  • Customer service is very responsive and easy to contact
  • Carrying case keeps the e-cigarette protected and clean in my purse
  • Competitive pricing compared to other brands


  • Choosing cartomizers takes some research
  • The supplies aren’t readily available in stores - you have to think ahead and order more
  • Cartomizer strength doesn’t always match the strength of comparable tobacco cigarettes

Overall, Vapor4Life e-cigarettes provide a great value for the price. For people who like having complete control of their smoking (or “vaping”) experience, Vapor4Life provides plenty of options to customize your experience and put the tobacco away for good.

The Giveaway

Some of you may be thinking to yourselves, I’m not a smoker, so why would I want to enter this giveaway?

While you may not smoke, I bet you know someone who does. And how awesome would it be to give them the chance to transition from tobacco cigarettes to something way less harmful and offensive?

THE RULES: One entry per household, must be a US resident, must be 18 years or older.

HOW TO ENTER: It’s pretty easy. Visit the Vapor4Life website, look around at all the options, then leave me a comment below with the TYPE of cartomizer, FLAVOR, and STRENGTH you want if you win. (This is required to enter.) Use the Rafflecopter widget below to record your entries - if you leave this part out, I won’t know you entered!

I’ve also included some options for extra entries - you don’t have to complete these tasks, but if you do, your chances of winning are increased.

WHAT YOU GET: One (1) winner will receive a Vapor4Life kit with 2 batteries, carrying case, 5 cartomizers of your choice, a wall charger, and a USB battery.

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  • Tsgkrn

    The premium vapor king menthol lovers samplers 2 coolcart cartomizers 36mg. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Alexand_777

    Thank you for relaying your experience with e-cigs. I love your site. Funny you mentioned the e-cigs because I’ve been exploring this as an option but really can’t afford to experiment and then have it not work out. This is a good opportunity to try them. If I was going to pick the one that might work for me, I’d go with WOW Vapor Wowbacco Cartomizers, 24mg. I’ve partially made my decision based on what you said about the cool versus warm vapor. I think regular tobacco flavor is a good introduction because it’s not such a leap into the abyss with a change.

  • Abe

    Thank you for the giveaway offer. I’d like to try out the WOW Vapor peppermint cartomizers in 18mg. I’m really hoping that switching to electronic cigarettes would get me off tobacco for good. So far getting disposables from the gas stations do help as a substitute, but completely switching over to a kit with reusable batteries would be ideal in terms of saving money. Thanks again!!

  • Jon — Free Money Wisdom

    This is awesome. I am going to have to enter the contest for my future brother-in-law. Maybe this will help him quit,.

  • HD

    My brother needs to stop smoking…I hope I win!

  • Little House

    My husband is a cigar smoker and has now tried a couple of these e-cigarettes. One was Bar Fly and it lasted only two days. Tonight he’s trying Square but looking into a couple other options. I’m thrilled since I really don’t like inhaling second hand smoke. Yuck. I’d love it if he switched to vapor!

  • Jerseygirl137

    I would first like to try the Premium Vapor King Tobacco Shop Sampler #2 Coolcart Cartomizers in 8mg

  • Whitleyctj

    Would really love to win this for my husband. He has tried several times in the past to quit smoking but a pack- and-a-half a day habit is hard to break and he has had little to no success with patches, gum or just quitting cold turkey. If we are chosen as the winners, he would like the WOW Vapor in Traditional Tobacco 36mg.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win

  • Little House

    I forgot to mention the type - Mr. LH would like (if he wins!)…WOW Vapor WOWbacco 18mg. It looked like the flavor was a traditional tobacco flavor. Thanks again for this opportunity! I hope he wins. He’s trying to cut down on traditional smoking.

  • Christi Frederick

    coolcart. 0 mg. chocolate mint bananas foster green apple…any fruit or dessert…not picky! Thank you for your review.

  • Jason@LiveRealNow

    I’d get the WOW 18mg King Camel. My wife is trying to switch, and we started with lights. Big mistake.