Update: I Think I Like My Job

I’m almost scared to say anything this early, but I’m pretty sure I am going to love my new job.

I went to the high school last Tuesday and met all the staff - they are (shockingly) thrilled to have a full time therapist in the building. I can basically pull kids out of class at will because therapy is considered “high on the totem pole” according to one of the guidance counselors. Most schools are resentful of any outsider who interrupts classroom time, but I think the previous therapist showed them how helpful it is to have a mental health professional available when the kids are struggling. My caseload is around 50 right now, not counting the incoming freshman that I don’t know about yet. That gives me plenty of kids to keep me busy with billing!

I love the fact that I get to work independently. On Thursday my son was sick, so I just called the school and the clinic, let them know I wouldn’t be in, and that was it! I was able to actually attend a doctor’s appointment with my child for the first time in over two years. Unfortunately, that means I missed a whole day of getting paid, but it was worth it to get to be a mom for a change.

It’s been strange to get home by 5:30 every day and actually have time to live and participate in things other than work. I’m still getting calls from staff and parents from the old job - apparently that place has gone to hell since I left - but I refuse to let myself feel guilty. My replacement started last week and I’m sure it will all work out once he gets oriented. For now, I’m just enjoying things like sitting on my couch, eating a real dinner, and even helping Jay with his homework (though I can’t BELIEVE school has started back already)!

My first paycheck from this job will be pathetic, so I’ll be dipping into the emergency fund in two weeks to make up for it. After that, though, I should start making significantly more money. I’m still nervous about how it will work, but I’m just grateful that I have an emergency fund to rely on. Plus I got my last paycheck from the old job over the weekend, which included 60 hours of vacation time. Taxes ate most of it but I did get my savings over the $2000 mark!

Like I said, I’m kind of scared to say I like my job because I’ve had such horrible work experiences in the past. However, I think a lot of that comes from my hatred of being told what to do. In this job, no one tells me what to do or how to do it. I know what makes money and what doesn’t, and it’s entirely up to me how much I make. Crossing my fingers that things continue the way they are now!

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  • http://blog.impulsesave.com Alysa (a-lee-sah) Seeland

    It’s really exciting that you’re enjoying your job - it can make such a big difference in the way you feel!

  • Anonymous

    Great! Liking your job makes a huge difference in your entire life. I became a teacher 10 years ago and it changed my life. When you are happy, more opportunities are open to you.

  • http://moneytalkscoaching.com/blog-2 Ashley @ Money Talks

    Good for you! I knew you would like it!

  • http://cashflowmantra.com cashflowmantra

    It certainly sounds like the new job holds a lot of promise. I hope things continue to go well for you.

  • http://blog.familymoneyvalues.com Marie at FamilyMoneyValues

    You have a challenging field to start with. I wonder if you ever do any money counseling? Congrats on your new job and I hope it continues to exceed your expectations!

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    I do some financial stuff sometimes. I have a curriculum for parents going through a divorce and two of the six weeks talk about finances. I would LOVE to do “financial therapy” for a living!

  • MommaStar

    yay for a good start. Hope everything works out!

  • http://www.moneyreasons.com Money Reasons

    Congratulations! Sounds like it going to be wonderful!

  • http://onecentatatime.com/ Onecentatatime

    Andrea, nice to see you started liking your new job. If the new job keeps your should happy, it will ultimately keep your wallet happy too. All the best, since I haven’t been reading a much on your blog, I just came to know about your profession, nice to know!

  • http://insomniaclabrat.blogspot.com/ Insomniac Lab Rat

    Awesome! Sounds like a good start :) I hope it continues to go well, the flexibility sounds great!

  • Anonymous

    I have a feeling you’ll love working with the kids, too. So impressionable and they grow up so fast!

    +1 for loving your job thus far. It makes such a huge difference in happiness levels to work someplace great.

  • http://homeinsurancecomparison.com.au/ Crystal @ Home Ins Comparison

    I am so glad you are liking your new job!!! Woot!!! As my husband can attest, the difference between having a job you hate and having one you like is like being a new person. Ever since he left teaching science to be a school librarian, he has been a happier person in our home life too. It’s just too cool! Congrats!

  • http://twitter.com/nickelbynickel Andrea

    I’m happy you’re liking your new job!

  • http://www.thepennyhoarder.com Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder

    That’s wonderful Andrea! And you can’t beat the flexibility…. Keep us updated on how it’s going.

  • Hunter @ Financially Consumed

    Sounds like you are off to a great start. I’m looking forward to learning how it progresses.

  • http://www.thedebtmyth.com Jackie

    I hope things continue to go well for you! It’s great to have a flexible job where you’re basically self-directed.

  • The Broke Sensualist

    That’s great that you’re enjoying your job. Nothing to be scared about - most people would love to have the feeling as you do. Enjoy it!

  • http://buckinspire.com Buck Inspire

    Congrats on the new job! Love the Lucy pic. I also don’t like jinxing things, but I think it’s just our heads playing games with us. The job sounds like a good fit and seems to make you happy. Enjoy it!

  • http://wealthinformatics.com Suba

    It is great you are liking your new job. The more happier you are somehow things seem to fall in place. I hope things will continue to go better from here… Good Luck!