Too Much Stuff Update

I promised I would hold myself accountable for getting rid of some of my junk, so I wanted to check in before I forget about doing it and/or freak out and decide I can’t part with anything.

Things I have gotten rid of so far:

  • A 19-inch TV with built in VCR ($30)
  • Wii Fit game with balance board ($50)
  • My old iPhone 3G ($90)
  • A garbage bag full of stuff from my desk drawers

Other things I’ve decided to get rid of so far:

  • A 25-inch TV
  • My son’s entertainment center (not being used)
  • My original NES and SNES consoles with games
  • My son’s Nintendo DS with 20 games that he hasn’t touched in over a year
  • A huge bunch of social work textbooks (donating to my alma mater)
  • Nearly every DVD in the house
  • Several Wii games that my son doesn’t play

As I’ve gone through the house making this list, I’m struck by how many electronic items we’ve outgrown or stopped using. While I do play my old video game consoles sometimes, I don’t do it enough to justify keeping them. My son doesn’t even play his DS because he’s getting older and wants to use the computer all the time. These things have all been used enough to be worth what they cost, but it’s time to let them go.

It’s HARD to find things to sell or give away! It stresses me out a little. But I want to do this because (1) I want the clutter gone and (2) I want to make some money to put toward bedroom furniture.

You know, I’ve always said I’ll never turn into an über frugal, coupon clipping, crunchy granola type of person. And I still say that. Yet as I’ve stopped taking on new debt, paid off some of it, started saving, and made better decisions overall, the urge to do something else seems like a natural instinct. I doubt I’ll ever live a truly minimalist lifestyle, but I’m learning that I don’t need all the things I used to think were necessary. And I wonder just how far this transformation is going to take me.

  • JT

    Isn’t it amazing how fast electronics go out? It’s crazy to me.

    I remember buying a few Wii Fit boards in Bowling Green a few years ago and selling them on eBay for $170+. (I guess WKU students don’t care about Wii Fits because I bought sooooo freaking many.)

    Insane, really, especially since they were $90 then, and (apparently) only worth $50 now.

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      As a WKU graduate, I can tell you why the students didn’t want Wii Fit boards - they get enough exercise just walking around campus! All my grad classes were in the same building, but I lost 15 pounds that year just walking to and from my car.

  • Carla

    Good for you!! I think I need to make it a goal this week to list some items for sale as well! Wish me luck!!

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Keep me posted! If I know other people are doing the same thing, it helps me stay motivated.

  • Marie at FamilyMoneyValues

    I stopped trying to keep up with new electronics just because they do go to the unused pile so fast - either because something even better has come out or because you can’t get parts, software or accessories for what you have anymore - or you are just bored with your new ‘toy’. Would you believe I am still using a computer we bought in 1993 when my first son went off to college!

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      That’s amazing! I’ve never been able to keep one running that long - the motherboard or processor dies and it’s usually cheaper to buy a new one than replace the parts.

      The computer I’m using now was only $100 refurb on and I haven’t had a single problem with it. Crossing my fingers that it stays that way!

  • Margie

    That’s great that you are not only getting rid of unused clutter but making a little money on the resale value! I’ve never tried to actually sell my old stuff - typically I drop it off at an e-recycle place or the Good Will. I guess I think actually selling it is a hassel and/or scary (I don’t know but Craig’s List creeps me out). I’d love to know what your process is for listing and selling stuff!

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      I just post a status on Facebook asking if anyone wants to buy this stuff. So far I’ve sold everything I ever asked about!

  • Alltid Blakk

    sounds like a good idea getting rid of things you don’t need. It may even help you to stop buying more. I did a little clean up myself a few years ago. got rid of hundred of books. I haven’t bought a new one since. But I still have an expensive Lego I should sell. Good luck!!

    BTW my google reader stopped receiving updates, have you switched feed ?

    • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

      Yes, my feed address was one of a couple things that didn’t switch over properly when I moved the site. Sorry about that!

  • Robert @ The College Investor

    Congrats on selling that old TV. I’ve found those to be the hardest to sell!

  • Trish Dauterman

    A great website for books is You can either use the points from mailing your books to pick up new material for yourself or donate to different organizations so they can build their library.