I’m Over the Holidays

i can kind of identify


Some of you might have noticed the lack of holiday-related posts around here lately. In a blogosphere that is totally obsessed with saving money on gifts, making your own wrapping paper, and surviving holiday office parties, this is probably the one place you can hang out with no mistletoe or ribbons.

I have not put up my Christmas tree, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to leave it in the basement this year. I don’t bake cookies or put inflatable Santa Spongebobs in my yard. I don’t send Christmas cards.

Why, you ask? Because I’m not really a fan of Christmas.

I Wasn’t Always a Scrooge

There are a few reasons why I don’t like Christmas. First of all, since my grandmother died in 2005, Christmas has been a big ball of suck. She freaking loved Christmas. Every year, we would go shopping for decorations (she had a different tree every year) and gifts for all the younger grandkids. She was a big believer in getting the perfect gifts for everyone.

Every Christmas Eve, the whole family (19 of us the last year she was alive) would cram into my grandparents’ tiny house, where the mountain of presents took up the entire living room. We would eat, open gifts, play Yahtzee (you haven’t lived til you’ve played Yahtzee with my crazy family), and enjoy ourselves until the kids were so tired they didn’t even care about waiting up for Santa.

Now my grandfather is remarried, and while I love my step-grandmother to pieces, she just doesn’t do things the way my Nana did. The two combined families can’t fit in one place easily, so we have Christmas at a church. There are no gifts - each family member receives a card with money. We eat, open gifts, and leave - done in two hours. And it’s awkward and weird and none of us enjoy it like we used to.

People are Selfish

Another reason I don’t like Christmas is the gift grab it’s turned into. We’re all so worried about the number of gifts we have to buy, we don’t get to enjoy time with our loved ones like we should. Or we’re griping about all the shopping, wrapping, unwrapping, eating, and traveling until no one has a good time.

I actually overheard a woman at Walmart say the following to her husband: “I wish they’d get rid of the bell ringers and angel trees at every stinking store we go to. Like I can afford to give money away when I have 8 grandkids!” And I’m staring at this lady with her cart full of toys, trying to decide how much trouble I’d get into for punching a senior citizen.

Of course we want to give gifts to the people we care about. But what about the people who aren’t able to do that? Have we really become so self-absorbed that we don’t want to help others? I’m pretty sure Jesus would not approve of the way some people celebrate his birth by ignoring those in need.

I’m a Grown-Ass Woman

Finally, I don’t get giddy about Christmas because I’m an ADULT. Christmas should be for and about kids. I don’t make a list of things I want - I have more than enough. If I need something, I buy it.

I am SHOCKED by the number of Facebook statuses, blog posts, and Twitter posts from adults listing all the things they want for Christmas. And maybe it’s different for people who don’t have kids, but I just find myself shaking my head. I can’t understand why grownups expect people to buy them stuff for Christmas that they could easily buy for themselves.

I’m also shocked by the stories of people expecting things from their adult children. A friend called me last week complaining that her mom expects a $50 item for Christmas. This friend has 4 kids to buy for on a limited income. The hilarious thing (to me) is, her mom gives her $50 for Christmas. So if they’re just exchanging $50, why don’t both of them keep their money? It makes no sense to me.

I love watching the kids in my family open their gifts. I love seeing the look on Jayden’s face when he gets something he really wants. I love donating to help families who aren’t able to buy gifts for their kids. And for me, that’s the only part of Christmas worth celebrating.

B-b-but it’s CHRISTMAS!

Actually it’s DECEMBER, but yes, I’m aware that Christmas is a week away. And I’m so over it, I could live the rest of my life without another one.

Maybe I’m awful, but Christmas has become something I just don’t want to be a part of. I do my best to enjoy it, but I can’t get excited about it like I did when I was a kid. I don’t need anyone to feel sorry for me - I’m actually quite okay with the way things are.

Maybe my lack of love for Christmas is necessary to maintain my remission from spendaholism, I don’t know. My hope for everyone is that the next week will be an enjoyable one, but with a sense of the true meaning of Christmas instead of the commercialized crap that’s being shoved down our throats.


I’m Over the Holidays57 Comments

  1. Christmas is for kids…. and since my mom's illness during this time it is difficult to keep the Christmas spirit alive.  But… for my 3 year old grandson the Christmas spirit will indeed go on! 

    • My feelings exactly! I do what I have to for my son to enjoy Christmas - that's the only reason I enjoy it at all. My nephew just turned 3 so I'm really looking forward to seeing him open his gifts. They're SO fun at that age.

  2. I am sorry that Christmas isn't what it used to be for you. My heart kind of broke reading what it is now. 

    Growing up I never had a really great Christmas (or birthday for that matter. It's nine days before). We never did anything special or traditional. Half the time we never got a tree. It was pretty sucktastic. I definitely try to make it special for my children to make up for it, that might be a little for me too. :)  

    I completely agree with you about the state of Christmas as far as forgetting about the less fortunate and only worrying about presents. This year was one of the first years where I felt our finances were strong enough that we could give more and we have. This has been one of the best Decembers in a long time. 

    I hope you do have a wonderful Christmas. But I already think you are on the right track to having an enjoyable Christmas.

    • Oh, I definitely think I'll enjoy it this year. Being home gives me a chance to do some of the things I used to enjoy about this time of year. Last night I helped my mom build a gingerbread village for the grandkids and it reminded me that there are still some good parts; I just didn't have time to do any of them when I was working.

      I hope Christmas is great for you as well - you guys have worked your butts off and now you deserve to enjoy the results!

  3. I agree 100%!!  People keep complaining about the economy but continue to go out there like robots and do the same thing and spend the same amounts and regret the same things every year.  And where do the big companies get off using Santa for their commercials, heart burn Santa, really???  The next thing you know there will be a Santa in a Viagra commercial.  Good freakin grief!

  4. You're definitely not alone.  I detest the Christmas season.  I find all the commercialism nauseating, with retailers putting out Christmas decorations (crap) before Thanksgiving.  My career is in an industry where Christmas is the bonanza season, so for me personally it means long hours (being either frantically busy or bored to tears, there is nothing in between this time of year), and no time off to spend with friends and family.  I can't tell you how many times over the past 11 years I have had to say, "Sorry, I can't go out of town, or do ABC thing, or meet with XYZ people because I have to work and there is NO WAY I can take ANY time off."  It sucks. I feel like I am on the outside of seeing all these happy people doing all these fun things.
    The only silver lining in all this is that my immediate family completely understands all this, and so they don't expect me to do anything for Christmas.  This is great, because this close to Christmas Day all I am doing is working, eating, and sleeping.  I think if I had to do much of anything else I would either become homicidal or have a nervous breakdown.
    Bah Humbug!

    • Sounds like you have more of a reason to hate Christmas than I do - I shudder at the thought of being right in the middle of all the spending and selfishness. If I ever start a petition to change the calendar so that the day after Thanksgiving is January 1, I'll hit you up for a signature! :)

  5. I understand - it's easy to argue that Christmas has become too commercialized. But I think the holiday season is just what you make of it - there's nothing that says you have to celebrate a certain way. Make your own meaning and traditions! It's still a lovely, wonderful time of year for me.

    Growing up our family never really celebrated Christmas in a big way, and I never believed in Santa, but there's so  much happiness for this time of the year that it just rubs off on me. Plus, everywhere I go is decorated with lights and looks amazing. I LOVE December. :)

    • I'm glad the magic is still there for you - wish the same was true for me. I'm trying to enjoy myself.

      I think Christmas got ruined for me, in part, because of all the running when I was still married. My family does two Christmases, one with my extended family and one with just my parents and sister. My ex's family has SIX. Every separate part of his family just has to have their own celebration and we were expected to attend all of them. Thank goodness they were all in the general area where I live, but it was ridiculous to cram 8 Christmases in two or three days.

      I remember my son crying at age 5 or so, begging to go back to bed, when we had to go to his great-grandparents' house for breakfast. At 6 AM on Christmas Eve. Followed by lunch at another great-grandparent's house, dinner somewhere else, and my family's that night. It became more about fitting them all in instead of enjoying the time with everyone, and it just soured me on this time of year altogether.

  6. I'm with you, Andrea! My friend Amy's family has the right idea. They might exchange small gifts - like a pair of house shoes - but they don't do anything else. Her family believes that this holiday has gotten ridiculous, and they choose not to celebrate in the traditional way because they recognize how many children out there have nothing. Why spend hundreds on each other when they could help others who are much less fortunate than themselves?

    I hate seeing Christmas commercials with the kids running down the stairs on Christmas morning to their mountain of gifts. Sure, buy for your family. But also instill in them the sense that Christmas is about more than gifts and that they should spread some of the love around to those less fortunate. Do kids really need that many gifts? Looking back at my childhood Christmases, I can remember a handful of the hundreds of gifts I received. 
    The sentiments expressed by the Walmart woman don't surprise me at all. Even when it comes to my nephew who is 16 months old this Christmas, I don't feel compelled to spend, spend, spend for him. Why? Because I've visited his house. I see the ridiculous amount of toys he already has that rarely get played with. (Seriously, the kid would rather run around with a flashlight in his mouth than play with a toy!) And I already know he's going to be showered with gifts from everyone. I'd much rather open a savings account for him and sock away whatever money we would have spent, at least until he gets old enough to actually remember the gifts he gets. (Okay, okay, another part of me DOES like watching his eyes light up when he opens something he likes, but it's also saddening to see that many toys in their house when I think about kids who have nothing and will go through this Christmas with nothing.)

    I saw a little video a couple of years ago that suggested that the billions Americans spend on Christmas could be used to bring clean water to every country that needs it. Is that not disgusting? To think that we could do something that great with the money we spend on Christmas but instead we're more concerned with getting our mother or significant other the perfect gift?

    I was labeled a Scrooge last year because of my posts about hating wrapping paper and Christmas cards. And sometimes I think, "Well, when I'm out of debt, maybe these feelings will reverse themselves." But no! I don't want them to because the amount of money we spend for the sake of spending, for the sake of proving our love, on this holiday is disheartening. I don't want to go back to feeling like I need to buy for everyone and stressing all December-long that I haven't gotten David exactly what he wants. ARGH! I want Amy's Christmas!

    • I'm so glad that my family stopped exchanging gifts among all the adults. It was disgusting - like a display of excess. Way more food than anyone could eat, hundreds of gifts… It made me sick. Now we've switched to a more casual dinner (hot dogs, chili, chips, etc.) which I love, but I hate that it came at the cost of making the celebration awkward and uncomfortable.

      My sister and her husband have a 3 year old and an 11 month old. I'm so glad they have asked people not to buy them toys - there are some books she'd like them to have, and a few clothing items, but other than that she's sensible enough to know that those kids have more now than most kids get their entire lives.

      My ideal Christmas would be everyone getting something for the kids - stuff they can actually use instead of plastic pieces of junk - and just spending the day together. Board games, scavenger hunts, that kind of stuff. Because I don't remember hardly any gifts I got as a kid, but I remember every single time my family spent time together enjoying themselves. And those are the memories I'd prefer Jay grow up with.

      • Oh my god, I am SO jealous of your family! My parents do a big meal, and my mom gets so stressed out every single year because the house has to be cleaned from top to bottom and she makes most of the food. But one Christmas Eve when I was a teen my family had Christmas at my grandmother's house because she had just come home from a stint in the hospital. And instead of doing a big thing, my mom made pizza, and we ate off paper plates in the living room. It was seriously the least stressful Christmas in my memory. I wish we did it every year.

        Then tonight we went to David's great aunt's Christmas party where her family gets together and exchanges gifts. They bought a shrimp platter with dip and made little croissant ham and chicken salad sandwiches. Basically, everything was quick/easy to prepare or bought ready-to-serve from the store. And it was so chill and fun. On top of not having to prepare a big meal, there was very little clean-up. Plus, his family is very no-thrills about gifts. They'll occasionally get you something frilly like earrings or a necklace, but most of the gifts they exchange every year are practical things that people need and/or can use. For example, his mamaw got us toilet paper our first Christmas together. Last Christmas she gave us a huge bottle of shampoo that I am seriously still using almost a year later.

        I do love that my mom cooks such a big meal. It's delicious, and my stomach appreciates her hard work. But for enjoyment of the holiday's sake, I wish we could duplicate the pizza Christmas Eve every year. Focus on spending time together instead of on preparing so much food that we could feed the entire town. I love the idea of just getting together, whipping up something quick that requires little clean up, and just enjoying each other's company. Board games would be so much fun!

  7. Thank you for posting this - Christmas is so overcommercialized it just isn't what it used to be.  My husband and I don't have kids and we don't exchange gifts, but we do have some family members who still insist on asking us what we want (even though all the siblings in the family are adults and in some cases have children) so then we feel obligated to buy gifts for the other adults.  We love to buy for kids and my girlfriends and I did a gift swap of some fun stuff, but the holidays should be about family and love and helping those who need it, not buying a frying pan for your mother-in-law. 

    I ran a Christmas program where local community members adopted families - that to me is the spirit of Christmas.  Those families (for the most part) really needed help in order to give their children anything for Christmas and it was heartwarming to see how many people in our community rose to the challenge. Sometimes the adults did ask for things, but when you get a list where the adults want toliet paper and cleaning supplies, it is hard to not want to buy those things.  We take a lot of things for granted and there are so many who are just scraping by - this is the season to remember that.  (Sorry for the super long comment!)

    • I'm so mad - I just lost the huge long response I typed out. Basically, my son's kindergarten teacher opted to have them adopt a family with 3 kids instead of having a Christmas party at school. Ever since then, Jay asks to adopt at least one child every year. And that warms my heart like no present ever could. 

      My instinct was to say we couldn't afford it this year, especially since I'm technically jobless. But then I looked around - at the time, I was sitting here typing a post on my Mac while Jay played his Xbox, and I had cranked the thermostat to 73º because my feet were a little cold. And had griped earlier that day that there was so much food in my cabinets I didn't have room for the groceries I just bought. And I felt like crap for daring to think that, even unemployed, I didn't have the money to do something for people who need things. Not want, NEED. So we went shopping yesterday for some gifts for a 6 year old boy who desperately wants a Transformer for Christmas. *A* Transformer instead of asking for the whole set. Things like that make me like Christmas again.

    • I love this idea of a community program! It's pitiful when you look at the gifts that children ask for on the Angel Trees here in Knoxville. Usually, they're not asking for the latest and greatest toys. They're asking for pajamas or a winter coat. It breaks my heart.

      One year our church (back when I was a church-goer) adopted a family who we heard was in need. We bought a bunch of toys for the two small children, plus gave the mother a large gift card to the grocery store and paid her electricity bill for her. I'll never forget their faces when we surprised them that morning. It was definitely the best money I ever spent on Christmas.

  8. "Some of you might have noticed the lack of holiday-related posts around here lately." - Oh no, the irony!  This is a holiday post!

    You don;t have to get me anything.  I was never really a gift guy - if someone did get me something I appreciated it, but I was never into the whole anticipation thing, even as a kid.  What can I say?  I'm jaded. 

  9. I hear you on the gifts… it's driving my mom crazy that we don't want a bunch of STUFF for Christmas, but first of all, I can buy what I need/want, and second of all, we are flying back this year, so everything MUST fit in our carry-ons. I'm really glad my family does a drawing for gifts, both for the adults and children- each adult buys for one of the other adults, and each child (well, their parent) buys for one of the other children, and that's it. We'll probably get something small for my parents and siblings as well, to exchange before the whole extended family get together, but it's not the whole extended family (21 at last count, I think). 

    I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit this year either. I usually enjoy it, because it IS a time that I get to see my whole family, but between working, the upcoming traveling, and general family issues…eh. I hung our stockings and painted my toe nails red to get in the spirit, though, so maybe between that and being almost done with work for the weekend, I'll get more into it :) And I'm sure once I'm home with my family, I will be considerably cheered up! 

    I hope you enjoy your holiday too! 

    • I think I'll recover and enjoy it - I usually do, anyway. Drawing names is the most wonderful idea on the planet, and I'm so glad it's starting to catch on. It's too hard to buy gifts for 500 people, especially knowing that none of them need anything.

  10. It's sad that Christmas = presents for most people when really it's a time to spend with family…. This year I'm spending time with family which makes me really happy and I don't even care about the gifts… we're not big into that.

    • My sister and her family will be here on Tuesday and I'm hoping that will help get me out of my funk. Her kids are still at the fun ages for opening gifts, so that will be exciting. I'm just glad to spend some time with them - they live about 5 hours away, so I'm always afraid the kids will grow up not knowing who I am.

  11. I'm so glad you didn't punch that senior citizen!  Who, along with her husband, might be on a fixed income while she's trying to buy for 8 grandkids.  Who also might be stressed out by all of the holiday hoopla and consumerism, too.  Just sayin'.

    • That may be true, but if that's the case, why not say, "I wish I had something to give them. I feel so guilty, but I have to buy gifts for 8 grandkids!" Why suggest they be scrapped altogether? Those organizations help a lot of needy families, and for her to suggest they all be gotten rid of because *she* can't afford to give is ridiculous. Just sayin'.

      • There are always some selfish and greedy people.  In the main, I see a lot of people trying to have a little cheer even though times are tough.  I'm not all about the gifts.  For me it's about the family time.  Fortunately we don't have to go to 8 Christmases.  That would kill it for me too.  I love seeing the kids happy with their toys.  The adults don't need anything, but some need a little cheer.  The time I love the best is when everyone can relax together.  Seeing my adult kids enjoy each other's company is a real gift to me.  Giving to those less fortunate is a tradition we all need to keep alive. 

    • Judging by their clothes and the two carts full of toys and electronics they were pushing through the store, I doubt very much that they were on a fixed income. But you're right - I don't know their situation, so maybe I shouldn't be pissy. The way it came out of her mouth was just very snooty and entitled though.

  12. Yes - Christmas has become way too commercialised.  You see things in the shops and on TV from September it seems - well October at least.  It's all about spend, spend, spend - but hey! isn't that how we've got into an economic pickle?  (well I suppose that's really spending on buying houses and so far not too many of them have been given for Christmas I gues!)

    Anyway I'm with you on this one!

    • It amazes me that all these surveys have come out showing that people are spending as much or more on Christmas gifts than they have in the past. I just wonder who exactly they're asking - most people I know have cut back significantly. 

  13. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but not because of the gifts. Ok I'll admit it, I like the gifts cuz I'm just a big kid at heart. I still buy gifts for my brothers and my parents. The biggest thing though is getting together with my extended family. We all buy for the kids, but only do a small gift exchange between the adults. One year my dad thought it would be a good idea to film the celebration. Too bad he left the camera unattended. He ended up capturing a huge risque conversation. That Christmas tape is unsalvagable. We still laugh about it when we get together. The gifts are fun, but the time with family is so awesome. After one of my aunts got a bottle of red wine a couple of years ago the UB40 song has never been the same. Don't freak out about the gifts; just enjoy your family, and don't disown me because I'm a grown woman with a Christmas list lol.

  14. Oh Andrea, this is where you and I are like 99% alike.

    And I'm just gonna leave it at that, otherwise I won't be able to write a post on it myself.

  15. I agree that Christmas gifts should just be for kids. Not that I’m against giving gifts to adults, I just don’t think it should be such a focus - we should focus on spending time with each other, instead of having the perfect decor, food, or gift.

    I still look forward to the holidays - but in a different way. I love the crisp cold air, I love watching snow falling, I love the smell of fireplaces, and even though I don’t like putting up decorations, I like seeing the glitzy decor along the streets and at malls. It’s just so pretty! :)

    • Personally I'm crossing my fingers that the forecast holds and we have a green Christmas this year. =P

      Last year it started snowing on Christmas Eve, and within minutes the roads were covered and SLICK. There were wrecks everywhere and I honestly didn't think we would make it home. After that experience I don't care how pretty it is - I don't want it!

  16. "I don’t get giddy about Christmas because I’m an ADULT. Christmas should be for and about kids."

    That's really sad to me and I vehemently disagree with every bone in my body. I love Christmas. Love it. I'm 43 and will continue to love it until I die. Not the greedy, gimme gimme people's version. The fun, lights, pine smelling, yummy foods, gathering with family, watching small kids faces light up when they see Santa version. The version where people take a minute out of their lives to think about others in a way they don't do the rest of the year. The version where you drink eggnog (and you even spike it with brandy after the kids are in bed). The version where you kiss your sweetheart under the mistletoe and then laugh because you're being corny. The version where you sit at night in a dark room with the tree all lit up and remember Christmases past and dream about Christmases future.

    I feel bad for you that all you can do is dwell on the negative and the ugly and the bitter and not see the joyful parts, too.

    • You're free to disagree - that's what makes the world an exciting place! Personally, I'm glad that you love Christmas and have some great memories and experiences with your family. I think the removal of those from my Christmases the last few years have contributed to my dislike for it. Hopefully some of the good stuff will return so I can like it as much as you do. :)

  17. I totally agree with the "gift grab" issue.  People are DYING at Kmart and Walmart and other stores…  Totally NUTS.  That's why I shop online and buy people experiences as gifts: Dinners, "nights out on-me", massages…  So much better than a tie or a pair of socks.

    • If online shopping didn't exist, I guess I'd never buy gifts for anyone. I flat out REFUSE to fight the crowds. My son hates this time of year because I avoid going grocery shopping until we are completely out of everything - it's just such a pain to go when there are wall to wall people.

  18. It seems like you're always reading my mind when you post things like this. My mom was a HUGE Christmas person so after she passed away we didn't celebrate it nearly as much. Now we just give the kids a few things and the adults get nothing. My parents don't even participate half the time, they go on vacations. Lol :)  

    I enjoy the season, the activities, the cold weather and all that. But the gift giving obligations, shopping and spending horrific amounts of money is not for me. I'm so over the holidays too.

    P.S. I do love all the food. YUM!

    • True story! The food is the most amazing part. I'm not big on cooking, so I look forward to eating everyone else's. I did pay a friend of mine to make a ton of homemade Chex Mix for me to take to my mom's - trying to decide if I should pass it off as my own. (Yeah, right, like no one would know better.)

  19. I'm totally over Christmas, too. I enjoyed this post very much.

    My old company does a gift drive for 60 or so children at a homeless shelter. You were supposed to spend $100 on the kid you adopted (you could split it with people if that was too costly), and I would always select the teenagers, thinking that as a 22 year-old I could probably select "hipper" gifts than the older people in my company. It was heartbreaking, as another commenter mentioned, the things they asked for were usually pretty basic. One year the girl I adopted asked for a twin sheet set. That's the kind of thing I've never worried about in my life — I've always had sheets, and extra sheets, and extra extra sheets. Anyway, I went nuts and got the nicest sheet set you ever saw. Effing matching dustruffles and everything. It meant I didn't have as much money to spend on my own family, but they can shove it. I love them all very much, but they don't "need" anything, and this girl needed a sheet set.

    Anyway, thank you for this post. I have tears in my eyes thinking about this….

  20. I'm with you on the whole Christmas thing!  When I was young, Christmas was a very formal affair with just 6 of us, then when I met my husband (ex-husband now), his family was very large (36 people) and tons of fun with all the little kids and siblings in our 20s.  It was a blast! I did love Christmas back then and used to decorate my house and tree, and even my office.  But, after my brother died in July of 1999, Christmas seemed to loose it's luster.  It's never really been the same for me since.  I have a 4 yr old grandchild now and I really look forward to seeing the excitement in his eyes, and watching the magic come alive for him.  But really, that's about it.  This year, my last child at home is 19yrs old and working full time, so both of my kids really buy whatever it is they want.  We continue a couple of traditions; cinnamon rolls cooking on Christmas morning, wrapped presents in large stockings, and lots of holiday snacks in stock.  But it's really more for them — they're still young yet.  This year we'll get to sleep in since my daughter is on her own and she will have  a morning Christmas at her house with my grandson before she comes by my house.  It's fairly relaxed now, we do pizza on Christmas — no more big meals with lots of mess.  This will be the first year my 19yr old goes in with us on pizza — so we'll each buy a different kind.  I couldn't afford to sponsor a family this year like I usually do, so instead of donating all the toys my grandson never plays with to a thrift stores, I put them aside throughout the year, and have put them on Craigslist for free — with a request that they are for families who really are struggling. 

    I told my mom this year that now I understand when they didn't put up a tree at Christmas — I see why now.  I understand now as I've gotten older (I'm 50 now) but back in my late 20s/early 30s, I couldn't figure it out, why wouldn't want to put up a tree?  I think as we grow older and go through different points in our lives, whether it's a death that occurred 12 yrs ago, a financial struggle, — or simply life, we're tired.  But out of it all, comes the acceptance that our lives change and not only do we accept it, but we begin to see the value where it really is — with our kids, with our families, wherever our hearts, our memories and our lives are at this moment in time.

    • I definitely agree - I think there are just certain times in life when the holidays aren't a priority, no matter how much we may wish they were. The past few years have been full of so much upheaval and chaos, I just want to get past Christmas and move into the calm of January. Maybe in a year or two I'll feel more like celebrating.

      On an unrelated note, I was glad to see a post from you this week! Was starting to think you'd given up. :)

  21. HAHA im one of those adults who still expect christmas gifts from my mom. I grew up in a single parent household really the only time i got gifts was my birthday and christmas because that's all my mom could afford. So i would really look forward to it even as i got older. I still do. There have been past years that i wasn't really in the Chirstmas spirit but i think after a few years you will get out of your Grinch mode. =) anyways hope you still have fun anyways.

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