Happy Easter!

Whether you celebrate Easter by going to church, hiding/hunting Easter eggs, melting Peeps in the microwave, or some combination of the three, I hope you have a wonderful holiday! I’ll be back tomorrow!!!!


Happy Easter!14 Comments

  1. I'm totes eating cadbury eggs but I'm scooping out all of the "cream" inside and just eating the chocolate :)

    Happy Easter Andrea!


    • Wish you could send the cream part to me - I don't really like chocolate, but I love the sugary junk on the inside!

  2. Went to 9 a.m. church, had a massage, ate some teriyaki, and then took a bus and a train to SeaTac Airport. Now I'm waiting to see if I will actually get to fly to Phoenix; am standby, using a voucher given to me by a friend whose husband works for an airline. For $100 RT, the uncertainty is bearable.
    Also enjoying, cautiously, my first chocolate since gall-bladder surgery: a few pretzel M&Ms. Happy Easter, indeed. :-)

  3. Happy Easter Andrea.

    I ate 4 Peeps today. I had no idea people melt them in the microwave. I need to try that. I also had no idea they were so popular, today was the first day I noticed the brand. They are just marshmallow chickens to me.

  4. @ Shopping to Saving - you should buy the chocolate filled Cadbury's… they are way better!

    @ Andrea - I had no idea folks put them in the microwave! I made cupcakes for my family get together and used peeps on top of some of them. I'll have to see if I have a peep left when I get home and throw that bad boy in the microwave.

    Hope you had a wonderful day, the weather was gorgeous!!

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