Does Your Business Need an Energy Meter?

The following is a guest post. Just like at home, managing your business consumption of electricity is an effective way to save money, budget wisely and have more money to spend on the things which really matter. There are a … Continue reading

Saving Energy During the Winter Months

The following is a guest post from MoneySupermarket. So, winter is pretty much in full swing. The days are getting darker and the nights are getting colder. Some people might well love this time of year, but not the frugal … Continue reading

Can Green Energy Be Cheap?

This guest post is brought to you by uswitch. Has green energy traditionally been only within the budgets of the elite environmentalists? Not true. Green energy is not all about solar and wind power. It includes such things as energy … Continue reading

What is an MPAN/MPRN?

This is a guest post from First Utility. In 1998 the UK introduced the Competition Act. This provided an outline against the abuse of dominant market positions by large corporations. This act helped to offer a more competitive market for … Continue reading