Please, Think Before You Speak

This isn’t necessarily related to finance, but I need to say it anyway. After a little more than a year in the personal finance blogosphere, I’ve come to the realization that many personal finance bloggers (and readers) are extremely judgmental. … Continue reading

3 Tales of the Financially Insane

One of the drawbacks of being a therapist (or former therapist) is that many of my friends seem to think I’m their personal therapist. And the fact that I’m now a personal finance blogger just means that I get the money drama … Continue reading

Should I Invest in Metals?

These days many people are looking for safe investments in order to save up for a nest egg. But it’s hard to know what is safe. Should I invest in stocks and bonds? Mutual funds? What about precious metals? I’ve … Continue reading

What’s in Your Wallet? 5 Ways to Clear the Clutter

When I was a kid, my mom’s purse was like one of those magic Mary Poppins bags. Need a Kleenex? A baby wipe? Gum? Scissors? Needle and thread? A copy of your birth certificate and immunization records? No matter what … Continue reading